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Ellie was catwalk pretty and blonde in that natural way that suggests a provocative fertility. May be she was always destined to be a black guy's bitch. Like the breed cream of her generation she was going to the black man's bed and she was never coming back. That year, that fateful year when she was just nineteen and Smith was twenty one the 'breeding' hadn't reached Elchester though. Sure, in the big city the sexiest white girls were hooking up with the handsome black dudes and sneering at the white trash males. But the breed shift, that which would make Britain a rainbow nation was still in its infancy out in the shire towns. On that fateful day, that May day festival, Ellie was going to become an arrogant little black cock slut, and Smith was about to learn to support her in the habit. On that fateful day Ellie would start a career ending with kids by three different black prongs and Smith would raise those love children. It might have been different, if she had met a daddy early on. But it wasn't. Ellie got a habit and she was passed around.The proper way of things was for a sexy young woman to meet an experienced black daddy who would own her and take her fiance on as their fagot. That was how things were meant to be. A white girl was bred better that way, learning her craving on the end of a master cock, managing her also ran male with a little finesse. But Ellie met Otis and Otis, well, Otis just wanted to fuck as many hot white bitches as possible. Otis, just twenty mind, knew that he could too. Otis had the looks man, he had the charming smile and the dude patois that the bitches loved. Best of all Otis packed a ten inch wapon in his pants. It wasn't just a length man, it was a thick length. You know what I'm saying. He didn't care what sort of devastation that left in his wake. He was just spraying his seed around and he was turning pretty young women, like Ellie into black cock sluts. Elchester's May day festival was a good place to go drinking. Smith and Ellie knew Otis from college. He wasn't exactly sure which course he would stick with, he hung out a bit, smoked a joint, and Ellie started to sit with him in the common room. Smith sat there too, listening to the dude philosophy, watching how those dreadlocks swung. There had been a time, that time, when the college competed in a swimming gala. Otis had swum front crawl. He had worn the budgie smuggler trunks man, and Ellie had stared. Ellie had stared and Smith had felt uncomfortable. All of that, crude as you like, it led to the shaming. I guess, you know, once she'd seen the credentials hinted that way, Smith was doomed. Smith's Aunt Anna was running a stall, selling country produce. It had been arranged that he and Ellie would help out with that in the big marquee. Otis had dropped by. He'd smoked some good shit man and he stopped and chatted with Ellie. Anna was some place else and Smith had been left to deal with customers whilst Otis sweet talked his girl. Of course she was flattered when that fine young dude noticed how she wore those skin tight jeans so well. Of course she was, Otis's hand lingered on her hip, appreciated the fine way her body shaped the denim. 'You wanna make out for a while babe?' asked Otis, his hazel eyes locking hers. He was pretty direct man. Very direct. Ellie wasn't used to the direct come on. But something inside of her responded. May be it was an instinct from deep past times. When an alpha comes on to you, you submit. She let Otis stroke her soft cheek and she let those lush lips brush hers in a suggestive kiss. She was awed that the dude came on strong in front of her boyfriend. Man, Otis had attitude. Smith glanced. Two sales of cheese and then he stared. He stared at the way 'their friend' touched Ellie. Otis looked at Smith then like so much shit picked up from the floor. He was dog shit man and Ellie noticed that. She noticed how Smith's eyes dropped. It was like a submission already. 'We're stepping out back of the marquee man' announced Otis. He looked at Ellie, assuming her compliance. She would come to cock when told. Another insoucient look at Smith. Again his eyes went down. Ellie felt a sudden disgust. When you're nineteen you can't quite place that. It's later you understand it as judgement. It's later that you understand that you measure men, by how theye compete. It's later still that you understand it some. That a weak white male will always submit to the black dude when he wants to cock the bitch. It is something about instinct. 'OK' said Smith. He said it in a way as if he was gallant or something. He said it as if he was strong. He could manage the stall just fine. Otis took Smith's young woman by the hand and led her out back. It was a place of parked trader vans and the occasional ambling festival goer looking for a short cut. Otis stroked her cheek again, ran his hand down her neck real slow, over her shoulder and lightly across her breasts. She was only wearing a light white T, so you could see her nipples man. The bitch wore no bra. It was like she hoped her black knight might drop by. 'Kiss me' he said casually. His eyes never left hers, they never allowed her to look any place else. She kissed him. She always would because he was black, and beautiful, and virile and strong. Her eggs wanted him, that was the truth of it. 'You just take...' she whispered once that kiss was done. 'Yeah, I suppose.....' he murmured and ran his hand back across those paps of hers, down the side of her waist and onto her hips. His hand firmed there, feeling her dnim hard and pulling her slowly into his embrace. 'What about my boyfriend?' she whispered sharing another kiss. You know something, that's so key isn't it? A bitch needs to know that the man will do the business with the weaker male. She needs to know that he will put the other sap down so that she can fuck comfy. Ellie was ready for Otis. She was giving him the looks. But it was kind of hot, wasn't it, just to know how the also ran would be treated. 'Bust his teeth...if he makes a nuisance of himself' Otis assured her. He kissed her again and now oh man, you know, he slipped his tongue in her mouth, and she accepted it meekly, submissively, like the proper little fuck mare she was. She felt him pull her against his crotch. She felt his thickness stirring, moving against her perfect body light blue jeans. When he put his hand down there she didn't resist. When he unbottoned her waist band and slid down that crotch zip so sweet, she simply stroked his hand. Otis put his hand inside her jeans, inside her tiny lace briefs and he felt her. He felt the way that her sex squelched on his fingers. There.....yeeah.....bitch needng it alright. It was almost as if he had smelled that she was rieady. She gasped as his fingers slid into her. Here eyes closed, her pretty pink mouth opened and he could kiss her slow whilst running his fingers deep through her aching. 'You been needing this a while bitch?' he asked. Ellie gasped. She drew down her breath, moving against his fingers. She nodded. 'Me too....that's easy babe, that's righteous.' It didn't matter then that Aunt Anna saw them on the way back to the marquee. It didn't matter much at all. Bitch was needing it and Otis had the whole of it to give. He saw the older woman pause and then stare at them, caught by the sudden ease and naturalness of the seduction. All bitches know, they know deep down. The aunt stared at them a moment. She stared and Otis worked Ellie's sex, slowly teasing, rolling his fingers up through her caressing wet lips. Otis stared at Anna, 'see', his look said. He watched the woman avert her gaze, blush and then slip back through the flap into the marquee. Whether the bitch told Smith Otis didn't know. If she did then may be this as simply a two stage thing. Smack the gawky college kid and then fuck his girlfriend. He's only hit the bastard once and then both would learn. Smith would step aside and Ellie would come to a look. Otis eased down her jeans. You know, just enough to feel the bitch up properly. Just enough for her to grind down against his hand. The bitch was trembling, shaking, engulfed by his easy seduction. 'You needing that huh?' he teased. 'Yes!' she gasped. The little slut sounded half delirious already. She smelled on heat. Moving closer to a parked van, a step or two from the short cut, he turned her and had her lean forward against the cab. He dragged her jeans and panties down. There, what a sweet young cunt she had. It was as wet as fuck. This was why men locked up their women he supposed, once you got a bitch to this stage, she just had to have it. Ellie watched him unload 'master'. She watched him drag back his foreskin so that dirty great helmet popped out. She gulped down a breath because the bitch knew where it was headed. 'uuruurooogh!' she groaned. He stuck it half way home. The bitch was clamping on him. She was as tight as he could have wished. He took hold of her hips and slammed 'Master' home. Hell man, she had a hot and tight little cunt! Ellie started to gasp and moan. She sounded like a animal for Christ's sake. 'Shut up and fucking take it' he sneered, starting to work 'Master' into a rhythm. There, the bitch gritted her teeth, threw back her head like that would help somehow, and took the necessary. Just a peep at first. It was just a peep around the flap of the marquee. Smith watched. His body wasn't yet out of the marquee, Anna watching him start to go and 'sort things out'. Telling him that there was a 'little problem' had made Anna fret. Her nephew was going to get a hiding. When a man is with a woman that way he won't tolerate competition. And, well, Otis was a man. He held himself like a man. He looked at women, she herself, knowing that he could fuck most any he chose. Smith stared. At first Ellie was oblivious to him, her face creasing as Otis pronged her. It was hurting a lot to go with with such a well hung man. Otis glanced at him, maintaining the rhythm, holding the girl's hips and jagging that cunt back and forth on his cock till it glistened. If Smith was stupid enough to intervene there would be a interlude and some blood spilled. Ellie would watch the beating and then normal fucking would resume. Smith stared, His hand was trembling on the heavy canvas of the marquee. On the other side then, because Smith hesitated Anna knew that he had already lost. He would surrender his girl to Otis. Otis would have her as his own. There are some brief moments, ruled by instinct, when manhoo is judged. Slap, slap, slap, slap...relentless. Shit man, the fucking was relentless, fine and handsome black prong digging its head to the egg nest, making the bitch grunt as he ran her through with that thing. Smith stepped out and watched. Ellie saw him there. She saw him standing like an urchin with his hands at his side. She looked at his hands, open, beaten, not a fist in sight.Otis, started to twist and buck upwards with is coupling, almost lifting her off the ground. It slammed her face into the side of the van. Passing folk saw them. There was Tracy from college and those guys who played football with the hapless Smith. The town was small and gossip travelled, It travelled faster even than the breeding. Even Anna wouldn't be able to resist a quiet word. That young buck Otis, the handsome black guy, well, he'd taken Ellie off Smith. Smith was still staring, his mouth open like a cartoon character. Master's handsome caress was wrecking the bitch. She was squirming now, on the end of it, her body juddering in a way that Smith had neve seen before. When they had 'done it' Ellie had pretended. You know, for purposes of self rspect and morale. But this, this was the full cunny aching proper thing. Ellie humped and ground down, almost growling through her teeth as she climaxed on Otis. 'That's it bitch' he sneered. Still no objection from that fucker Smith. Shit man, this was neat! This was so hot, fucking the bitch in front of her boyfriend. Bet there were other 'men' just like Smith! The realisation of it, that it was sweet to fuck a bitch and humiliate her suitor, yeeeah, that was some thing so neat. He squirted it home. He squirted it up her in thick, ball clenching glugs. The force of it slammed he against the van. Through a gap in the canvas Aunt Anna watched Smith's defeat. He stood there, looking like a rabbit in headlights. He stood mesmerised. She shook her head. Growing up....growing up. Again Otis looked at the guy, when at last he dragged his cunny slimed cock out of the bitch. His 'master' was still so hard it virtually bounced out of Ellie. A load of jizz splurged out of her. It dripped into the grass and down into the material of her half mast light blue jeans. 'Pull them up' he told her cursorily. Ellie did as she was told. She glanced at Smith. He couldn't look at her. The sight of them had crippled him. Otis bristled. An instinct. Make the conquest and then keep it. He puffed up his chest and advanced towards Smith, now that 'master' was stowed. 'If there is an ounce of hassle man....' he prodded Smith, inviting the scrap. 'If there is a hint of attitude from you towards my woman man, I's going to take you to one side and....' Ellie caught his arm. She didn't need to see Otis trounce Smith. 'he's beaten.....you're the boss' she said quickly, fearing a scene now. Two more friends had glanced their way in transit. 'You accept it....don't you?' she said to Smith. Anna watched from behind the canvas. Smith nodded. 'You have to tell Otis...there won't be any hassle' she insisted, stll trembling with her climax. Anna listened. 'Yes' said Smith grudgingly, 'There won't be hassle'. Ellie smiled thinly. To her sudden shame hearing that turned her on. It was dirty hot. She begged with her eyes for a kiss which Otis gave her long and slow in front of the vanquished. Anna watched. She watched the easy arrogance of the young interloper. She admired the way that he held Ellie. They walked off together as though they had come to the festival together that way. It was as if it had always been meant to bit that way. Smith came back into the marquee awkwardly. It was an awkward moment. Anna was selling a big batch of cheese, and demanded that Smith hold open the bag whilst the wrapped segements were placed inside. The purchase made the customers moved off. 'Don't sulk' said Anna to her mesmerised assistant. Smith shook his head as if he was still making sense of it all. It was like he had woken into a different world. 'It happens' said Anna, electing brutality as the quickest and easiest solution. 'A woman finds a man...''He's twenty' said Smith.'He's a man' she insisted back. ' Later, when things have calmed down, go and find Ellie and tell her that you accept things. Tell her that you will be Otis and her friend.' Smith gawpd at her. 'You can't compete with Otis, he is beautiful....he's beautiful with her' Anna advised. It was a heartsink cold lesson to give. She looked at Smith, blinking, blinking. Somewhere inside of herself she concluded something. Her nephew would beg to be friends on any terms. [Life, sex can be raw, huh?]Lutheran Maid

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