
Mom and Daughter Fun Ch.1

CallOnTyrone_13   June 19, 2017   | 51723 Views
Now, her mom, this woman….. Whew! She had the whole package she was around 5’5, pretty face, soft skinny lips, easy on the eyes, very sweet. She had a big, juicy, round ass. She was a BBW! Thick thighs, wide hips, everything! banner2

This is the story about how I had sex with my girlfriend and her mother. That’s right, her and her mom! So, I was between the ages of 16-17 years old. I had someone online, she was a pretty, cool girl I thought, plus she was a couple years older than me. Now, I’ve been with older women all my life but this was about to be the first time of me having sex with a older woman. My girlfriend at the time was about 18-19 years old, her mother was 36! Of course, in all of my stories I never use anyone’s real name so we will say that my girlfriend’s name at the time was “Brittany”, and her mother’s name is “Marissa”. My girlfriend was mixed she had a black dad and white mom. She stood about 5’6, pretty complexion, very easy on the eyes, nice full lips, nice hips, thighs, and a nice round big butt. Now, her mom, this woman….. Whew! She had the whole package she was around 5’5, pretty face, soft skinny lips, easy on the eyes, very sweet. She had a big, juicy, round ass. She was a BBW! Thick thighs, wide hips, everything!

When we met online, we had began talking every single day, for like countless hours and hours. We were vibing off of each other! Laughing, joking, playing, talking, everything. There wasn’t anything we couldn’t talk about, nor was there anything that we wouldn’t either! Just one BIG problem though she stayed like 45 minutes away from. At this time, I had not gotten my license yet, and she later revealed to me that she had a condition that prevented her from getting hers. We kept on trying to find a way that I could go and see her, but it didn’t seem like there was a way for it to happen, until that night.

One night, while we were on the phone, I asked her to see if her mother would be cool enough with coming to pick me up! Besides, her and I had talked before on the phone, but it was always mostly a subtle “Hi” and “Bye”, never nothing serious. She told me that her mom and dad, were in the middle of finalizing their divorce and that her dad was trying to find someone to go live but in the meantime, he was crashing there with them! So, I asked to speak to her mom. If anyone knows me, they will tell you that I’ve always had a very mature mind, even at a very young age. Knowing this, I knew all it was gonna take was for me to get one good time on the phone with her mom to make the magic happen. Just as expected, I WAS RIGHT! I told “Brittany” to take her mom the phone and tell her I had to speak with her about something important, and viola, I was on the phone with her. Man, I had her laughing and giggling, joking and talking, she told me that she really appreciated it and how much she had needed it, because she had been under such stress lately.

Once all of this happened, I knew I had her hooked. Easing into it, I asked her mom, and right away she agreed! She said “I know you have been talking to my daughter for awhile now, and I don’t know what it is about you yet, that she really likes.” I said “I guess you’re going to have to find out!” and she just simply replied “Maybe, so!” Brittany announced that she was going to go to the bathroom. This obviously gave me and her mother not only more time to talk, but also, time to talk amongst ourselves. I was stoked when her mother said “So, you seem a little bit “too mature” for Brittany. Maybe, you should be talking to someone else, a bit older.” Now, smiling from ear to ear, I responded with “Wh…. What do you mean, exactly?” “You know exactly what I mean!” she said laughing. So, we talked for about another 4 minutes, before I heard Brittany in the background again. We immediately switched back to topics that included her and me. As the conversation continued to go on, there was something said in reference to my dick! After which her mother said while laughing “Don’t nobody want to see that small thing, anyways!” To which Brittany replied laughing “Mom! Trust me, he is not small!” `Before I could even respond, I heard Marissa say “Oh really? I want to see it!” Shocked, and in disbelief, I joking said “Yeah right, you don’t mean that.” So her mom cut in said “I mean, if it is that big, prove it! Unless, you’re scared!” To which, Brittany said “Baby, I got a pic in my phone!” so she turned and showed her mother. Still in disbelief she says “Nope! He has to send that to my phone!” So, I asked Brittany “Is it Ok?” and she replied “Yes!”

*Message Sent* It read on my phone screen as I sent her the picture, after send it we had been on the phone for about another hour, the three of us before Brittany said “Ok! I’m about to go to sleep, I’m tired! Plus we are picking him up tomorrow, and I have to make sure I’m well rested!” I said “Ok! Cool! I should probably be doing the same!” However, after the phone call ended, about 10 minutes later, my phone begins to ring. Barely opening my eyes, one because I was almost sleep and my lights were off in my room, but two because the brightness of my phone screen, damn near blinded me! When I finally managed to get them open enough to look at the screen, I noticed it said “Brittany”, I thought to myself “I thought that she went to sleep!” To my surprise, when I picked it up, it was her mom.

She answered in a very soft, seductive voice “Hello! I’m sorry, were you already sleeping honey?” she asked sounding very sexy. “I was on my way to sleep! What’s wrong?” I asked. “Oh nothing, just wanted to ask you something?” she said. “Of course, anything! What is it?” I answered. “What do you think you are doing with all of that?” she asked me now starting to sound as if she was moaning. Off rip, I knew exactly what she was referring too, so we stayed up almost the whole night talking on the phone. We had phone sex, I told her how I would eat her pussy, and how I would fuck her, and have my way with her big booty! She moaned and moaned and I commanded her to play with her pussy until she came about 4 times. “I can’t wait to see you in a couple hours!” was her last words before she hung up the phone.

To Be Continued…….

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