
Cheating with hubby's best friend

sue1973   August 19, 2018   | 87342 Views
John started to show Les pictures of our recent holiday in Spain. Most of the pictures were topless poses of me on the beach wearing only a thong bikini bottom. banner2

 In the late 1990's my now Ex  husband, John and myself used to go out every Saturday night to listen to a blues band in the Rotterdam Bar in Belfast. John's best friend Les used to go with us and  we all took turns at driving, which meant that the driver would refrain from drinking alcahol that night.
 The night went as normal. We sat with a group of our friends, who frequented the Rotterdam bar. The band played their usual set routine and all too soon it was last orders and we left. 
 Les was the driver that evening, so he was sober, unlike me and John, who had consumed just a little too much booze.   I sat in the front of the car with Les and John got in the back and fell asleep for most of the short drive home.
 When we arrrived at my house, I went inside and  put on the kettle to make tea. I had prepared sandwiches  earlier and I set everything out on the table. Les had to help John out of the car guide him into the living room.  John sat  on the sofa and nodded off to sleep again.
 Les and I sat at the table and chatted,  drank tea and ate the food which I had prepared earlier. He asked me how our recent holiday in Spain had gone and I told him that it had been wonderful and that I had spent  most of my time on the beach.
 John sat up and said,  "Yea she was runnin round with her tits out"  and laughed loudly.  He said, " I'll go get the pictures" John got up and staggered off to the lounge. He came back with our holiday pictures which were still in the envelopes which had been posted back to us earlier that week.
John started to show Les pictures of our recent holiday in Spain. Most of the pictures were topless poses of me on the beach wearing only a thong bikini bottom.  
 I watched Les as he skipped through the pictures and noticed him stopping for a better look when a topless picture of me  appeared.  I didn't mind Les looking at them. I was just a little to drunk to care about anything.  John got up nd went upstairs. I assumed that he had gone to the bathroom, but after a few minutes, I went upstairs to check.  John was lying on the bed and was fast asleep. I came downstairs again and Les was still thumbing through the pictures. The bulge in his jeans was more than noticeable.  I took the pictures off him and asked him which ones he liked as I showed them to him, one by one.   I was getting turned on  too and Les was certainly in an aroused state. 
 The bulge in Les's jeans was now much larger, I couldn't help myself. I reached down and ran my hand over it slowly. Les didn't object, so I got up, took his hand and led him to the sofa. We sat down and I  uzipped his jeans and freed his very erect cock. I had guessed from the bulge that les had a big cock and I was right. He was easily eight inches and thick too. I pulled his jeans down to his knees and went straight down on him, doing my best to deepthroat. les was moaning softly and trying to loosen the buttons on my blouse at the same time.  I got up and took off my blouse, leather skirt and g string and lay on my back on the floor. Les took off his jeans and knelt down beside me. I sucked on his cock while he fingered my pussy and rubbed my aroused clit.  Les was getting harder all the time and my throat was getting sore from deepthroating him. I told him I wanted to feel that big cock inside me.
 Les positioned himself over me and I took his cock in my hand and guided it into my pussy. I knew Les couldn't last long, but the feeling of that big cock inside me was amazing. I told him to ride me hard. It had to be quick. John could wake up at any moment and discover us 
 Les did as he was asked and fucked me hard. I told him I was a whore and I wanted his hot cum inside me. That did it. Les's cock stiffened and he thrust deep inside me. I felt it spasm wildly and then  his hot cum gushed out and, filling my pussy and dripping from me onto the floor. Les collapsed on top of me. I held him tight and kissed him wildly, whilst milking every last drop of cum from his cock with my pussy.  At that point, i could hear movement upstauirs. Les got up and put his  jeans on. I listened, John had gone to the toilet and then back to bed.  I saw Les to the door, wearing just my half cup bra and stockings. His cum was now dripping from me and my lace top stockings were soaked. I kissed him and he left. 
 I went to the bathroom, cleaned  myself up, put my stockings and bra in the wash. That only left the puddle of cum on the floor to deal with. A quick wipe with kitchen roll and all traces of my infidelity had been erased.  I joined John in bed and fell fast asleep.

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