
A Quirk of Fate-[E-07]-(blowjobs/sucking cock-swallowing-anal)-part-1-of-1

charles-smythe   November 02, 2016   | 35956 Views
"Man, it will be awesome. No one has to know. It will be just the three of us," Butch said to convince him. Getting off the bed, Butch walked over, unbuttoned my blouse and then arrogantly grabbed my breasts once again. "Or,” he smirked, “You can just watch. But I’m going to get some either way." banner2

A Quirk of Fate

I was driving along highway-287 when I saw Butch’s car on the side of the road. Steam was coming from under the hood so it was obvious what had happened. I recognized his car because Butch was a friend of my seventeen year old son Frank’s. They and a third kid, Shane were juniors in high school together.

I didn't see Butch and Shane until I was a little further along. Then I saw two figures walking on the shoulder of the highway and figured it had to be them. Rolling my window down as I pulled alongside of them, I asked, “Having fun boys?”

"My fucking car," was all Butch said.

Shane looked in the window and when he recognized me asked, “How about a ride into town?"

"I don't know. You guys look like a couple of desperate characters to me. A girl could get herself into real trouble picking up the likes of you," I teased as I unlocked the doors to let them in. Butch slumped into the back seat and Shane climbed in front. "AAWW, don't look so glum. I'm sure it's not THAT bad," I assured Butch through the rear view mirror.

"My car is fucked."

"Yeah, maybe it just needs some water," I tried to sound encouraging. “Did you turn the heater on when you saw it was getting hot? The water in the heater system is usually enough to cool it down until you can get somewhere to get help,” I asked. I hadn’t driven cars since I was sixteen without learning a thing or two. In a pinch I could even change a tire.

"That's not all of it," Shane volunteered with a smirk on his face. I could tell when the guys got in they were already half lit.

"Oh, really? What else are you two desperados up to?" I had a pretty good idea but I was in a good mood and wanted to mess with them a little.

"It doesn't matter," Butch moaned.

"What? Is it anything I can help with?"

"Not unless you want to give us a ride to Midlothian."

"Why? What's in Midlothian?"

"We were supposed to meet up with a couple of older chicks there," Shane volunteered.

"Oh I see. So you two were looking to get some beer and get laid before the car blew up on ya, huh?" I chuckled. I was loving the predicament the guys were in.

"Something like that," Butch grumbled.

"Oh come on now. It's not all bad. I'm not going to take you back to Midlothian because I just came from there but I have no plans so you can hang out with me for a while. Cheer up. It’ll be Fun," I laughed knowing what testosterone driven seventeen year old boys considered fun so knowing what I was probably getting myself into.

"What were you doing in Midlothian anyway?" Shane asked, trying to change the subject.

"My luck was no better than yours,” I laughed. “I was supposed to meet someone over there but he had to work late so I’m headed back to Arlington."

"Oh really?" Butch asked, perking up some. "And just who were you supposed to be meeting?"

"None of your business young man," I remarked trying to get out of the hot seat.

"Getting some on the side are ya? What if we decide to tell your hubby?"

"You don't know what you are talking about," I said, trying to sound convincing.

"Yeah right. I know what you were up to and I'm gonna tell your old man."

Damn, I never thought about anything like this happening, when I picked them up. "Come on. A girl can have some fun now and again too can't she? You don't need to tell my husband anything," I was almost pleading now. I’d gotten myself into some real trouble here.

I was turning off on 157 to head on into Arlington when Butch said, "Don’t worry, I won't tell him.”  Then Butch smirked, “But it’ll cost you, right Shane?"

"Yeah right," Shane agreed. I don't know if he knew what Butch was up to but he figured he might as well see where it was going. Anything else I had planned for tonight was shot to hell anyway.

"Cost me? What’s it going to cost me? I’m already giving you guys a ride back to Arlington. I could’ve let you walk the last five miles."

"And we could have too so that don't count. We had beer lined up in Midlothian. Now you're gonna buy us some here,” said Butch.

"I can't buy you beer. You're underage," I protested.

"You've done it before. Besides if you don't, I'll rat you out not only to your old man but maybe even Frank," Butch threatened.

I thought it over for a minute.  I guess that it wouldn't be so bad to get the guys some beer. Especially since I knew they wouldn't be drinking and driving. "Ok, I'll buy it but I have a condition of my own."

"What?" they both asked at once.

"We’re going to drink it together. All of us had other plans and they all fell through so let's party together.”

“I guess I can deal with that,” they said together.

“Where shall we go?” I asked.

"My mom is visiting friends for the night and my little brother’s at a friend's house for the evening, so we can go to my place," Shane offered.

"Fine, I'll drop you guys off, go get the beer and then come right back."

"No way. We’re going with you. I don’t trust you. If you leave you won't come back,” said Butch knowingly.

”Ok, so it was a pretty transparent plan but I thought you might fall for it. Can't blame a girl for trying," I laughed.

We stopped at the next convenience store and got a case of cold Coors. Shane stayed in the car but Butch went in to carry it for me.

The drive to Shane's place was pretty quiet. When we got there he cranked up some tunes and we all popped the top on a beer. We were just sitting around relaxing and drinking our beer when Shane piped up with, "So now what we shall do?"

"I'm horny," Butch announced. "Let's watch some porn."

"We can't watch porn," Shane practically shrieked nodding his head in my direction.

"Shane," I said leaning over towards him, "I've seen porn before."

"You don't think it would be too weird?" he whined.

"Not any weirder than sitting here getting drunk with me?"

"Good point. But the only DVD player that I have is in my room," Shane said nervously.

Butch jumped out of his chair and said, "Then lets go,” as he headed towards Shane's bedroom. 

There was no need for further discussion so we followed Butch up the hall and into Shane's room. Of course the only place to sit was on his bed so while Shane popped in a disc I took a seat in the middle and leaned against his pillow on the head board. 

With one of the guys on each side of me, we watched for a little while. All three of us had been partying some before we hooked up so we were all three pretty well buzzed after a couple of more beers. The movie was like most porn so we were making crude comments and criticizing the actors through most of it.

About half way through the movie Shane announced that he had to take a leak as he got up and walked towards the bathroom.

When I went to reach over Butch to set my beer on the nightstand, I lost my balance and in trying to catch myself accidentally rubbed my hand across Butch’s crotch and noticed how hard he was.

"I'm sorry," I stammered. To be honest I was impressed with size of the outline of it. When I tried to get back up I felt Butch’s hands on my breasts. "What are you doing?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"You touched mine so I’m touching yours," Butch announced matter-of-factly.

"Listen here young man," I tried to protest.

"You know you want it," he purred as he dropped his gaze to my chest and reached for my other breast.

"That's beside the point. What about Shane?"

"What about Shane?" you answered.

"He'll be right back."

"So," he laughed.

And before I could say anything else I was laying across Butch chest, his mouth fix greedily on mine. The vigor and speed of his passion stunned me. His mouth was so demanding and his quick tongue so arousing that any objections I might have had were gone as I melted into the kiss. His hands were busy too, stroking my hair, skimming over my shoulders and breasts to find and exploit small, devastating points of pleasure.

I was horny when I picked the guys up out on the side of the road. Truth be known, in the back of my mind, I was thinking what fun it would be to get one of them in the sack. I could use a good hard fuck by some nice young thing. But I never really thought it would happen though.

What the fuck?" Shane bellowed as he came back in form the bathroom. "Dude, she's married."

Butch broke the kiss and looked at him, "And I’m horny. What's your point?"

"Man, that's Frank's mom," he stammered.

"Well, I'm not gonna fuck Frank now am I?"

"But. But," Shane was dumbfounded.

I had a brilliant idea. I got off the bed and walked over to Shane. I wrapped one arm around him and let my other hand fall to his crotch as I brought his face close to mine. "I won't tell Frank if you don't,” I murmured as I pulled him in for a deep, passionate kiss. I'm a very good kisser so when I lowered my mouth to his every muscle in his body went lax. It was demanding, it was urgent, and it was devastating. As I held the kiss I tumbled him deeper and deeper, bombarding him with emotions that he was too young and inexperienced to have any defense against. "What do you say? This could be a lot of fun."

Shocked, Shane looked over my shoulder to where Butch was still sitting on the bed. I couldn't see but I could hear the rustling of material and guessed Butch was stroking his dick through the fabric of his pants.

"Man, it will be awesome. No one has to know. It will be just the three of us," Butch said to convince him. Getting off the bed, Butch walked over, unbuttoned my blouse and then arrogantly grabbed my breasts once again. "Or,” he smirked, “You can just watch. But I’m going to get some either way."

Self-consciously, Shane held me away from him for a moment to timidly look down at my bare chest. Reaching around me, Butch cupped my breasts and pointed my erect nipples toward his face. Shamefaced, Shane bent down and sucked a hard nipple in his mouth.

"I knew you'd go for it,” sang out Butch, “Now let's get naked."

It was only a matter of a few seconds before we all stood there without clothes. Again I was in the middle with one of them on each side sucking on my erect nipples. My fingers were running through Butch’s hair, as my moans got louder. Little did Butch know that I was already dripping wet between my legs.

"I've read your stories so I know how you like to suck dicks," said Butch as he let my nipple slide from his lips. "Come over here and suck mine," he demanded as he sat down on the edge of the bed. 

Even though Butch was a friend of my son, Frank’s I was surprised that he knew that I was a writer, much less what I wrote about. Frank knows that I'm a writer, but I doubt very seriously if he even knows that my pseudonym is Dorothy Norwood or that I write porn. Butch being familiar enough with my work to know my preference for blowjobs was both flattering and curious. 

Eagerly I pried myself away from Shane and quickly got down on my knees between Butch’s out spread legs. His young virile dick was standing tall and proud as it jutted out of his clump of curly black pubic hair and balls. It was over seven inches long and looked as big around as my wrist. It was throbbing from the rush of blood and the head was swollen up even bigger than his shaft, like a big mushroom sitting on the end of his dick. 

"Have you ever had a blowjob?” I asked Butch as I moved closer, lowering my face to study the swollen veins of her son’s long-time friend’s shaft. One of my fingers ran across the largest vein and then up to the head, where I examined the slit.

"No," Butch gasped.

Reverently I reached out and let my fingers encircle it. Slowly I started moving my hand up and down the shaft of Butch’s hard dick, pulling his foreskin back and forth over the end of his dick. Every time I pulled his foreskin back I could see the big ridge flaring out like an umbrella over his shaft and balls.

As if a mind of its own, my tongue sought out his balls. Sensuously I ran my tongue around each of his cum swollen balls, then for good measure I sucked them one at a time into my mouth before licking my way back up to the sensitive tip.

"Oh FUCK YEAH!" Butch moaned as I swallowed him in one big gulp. As I was bobbing my mouth up and down his shaft, getting totally turned on by giving this teenage boy such pleasure, I heard Butch say over my shoulder, "Shane, man, this is unreal." It was so out of character that when I felt Butch’s fingers tenderly stroke my hair, I looked up at him. When our eyes met he almost whispered, “I’ve dreamed of have my dick in your mouth as long as I can remember.” 

"So is what I'm looking at. Unreal, I mean," I heard Shane say from right behind me. I soon felt his hands sliding across my ass and down between my legs. "She’s sopping wet down here, dude."

"Lick it. I want to know what she tastes like," Butch told him.

I was kneeling down, so Shane laid face up on his back and slid his head between my legs. I was still fondling Butch’s balls, when I felt Shane’s tongue caress my thighs. As Butch’s hard cock bang against the back of my throat, I opened my legs wide and let him have all he wanted. As Shane continued to lick my pussy, I bobbed my head up and down on Butch’s cock. I used my tongue to press his hard meat against the roof of my mouth for a tighter feel.

After a few seconds Shane came up for air saying, "This is the sweetest pussy I've ever tasted.” Of course it was the only pussy that he’d ever tasted but he wasn’t going to admit that. “She's shaved, too. You gotta try it," he chirped happily. 

He didn't wait for a reply before diving back in. My hips were bucking against his face as my mouth was devouring Butch’s cock.

It was a race to see who would cum first. I thought it would be me until Shane's tongue left my pussy. Then without warning I felt his cock slide between my sensitive lips and deep into my pussy with one full stroke. I would have screamed in passion had I not had Butch’s cock deep in my throat. My pussy walls constricted, milking him and taking me over the edge. I sucked Butch’s cock like a vacuum cleaner as I shivered through my orgasm. Before I was done Butch was holding my head and shooting a big load of his cum down my throat.

When Butch shot his last drop he pulled free and exclaimed, "God Shane, you have GOT to let her suck your dick man. She is unreal."

Shane took a few more strokes then pulled free, leaving me empty and wanting more. He climbed onto the bed as Butch slid over giving him his space. I wasted no time in licking his cock clean of my juices and swallowing his hard cock. It wasn't long before Shane was pumping his cum right behind where Butch’s had just gone. I swallowed his down and then sat back on my heels.

"You guys still wanna go to Midlothian?" I asked teasingly as I crawled up next to Butch on the bed.

"Hell, no," Shane replied. "But I do want another beer."

"Grab one for us too," Butch called after him as he stepped off the bed and headed to the kitchen.

The movie was still playing as we settled side by side on the bed. I snuggled close and reached out to play with Butch’s limp dick as we watched.

"Let me have some of that smooth pussy Shane was bragging about," Butch ordered as he laid me back on the bed.  I did as Butch wanted and opened my legs to allow him access. Butch climbed between my legs and dove right into my still quivering pussy. "MMMMM, Shane was right. This is good shit."

My fingers found the back of Butch’s head and held him in place as his tongue slid into my wet tunnel. I was bucking against Butch’s face and he was sucking my clit and fingering my pussy when Shane came back in with our beer.

"What a sight. Do you guys want your beer?"

Butch came up only long enough to sneer at him, "Don't bother me man. Can't you see I'm eating?"  When Butch dove back down, he doubled his efforts and had my ass rising off the bed in no time.

When I finally came back down to earth and Butch sat up to grab his beer, I looked over at Shane. He had his cock in hand, while he watched us.  He was stroking it nice and slow as he enjoyed the live performance.

I climbed past Butch and over to Shane. Swinging my leg across his body and straddled his lap. Reaching between my legs, I grasp his hard cock and placed the head against my lips. Then I slowly lowered myself down, impaling myself on his hard cock. When he was in me to the hilt I reached past him and grabbed my beer. After a few chugs I set the beer down and started rocking back and forth on his hard cock, riding Shane like a bucking bronco. The feel of his cock was sending thrills through my quaking pussy. Shane grabbed my hips and helped me bounce up and down, driving us both towards ecstasy. I locked Shane in a passionate French kiss just as another orgasm swept through my body.

When I regained composure I looked over to see Butch’s cock raging up from his hairy crotch. "Looks like someone else needs attention."

"But I'm not done yet," Shane protested.

"It's ok, don’t worry" Butch assured him. "You just lie down on the bed and let her on top," he instructed Shane. I had a good idea of what he had in mind and was thrilled at the prospect.

We wiggled into the positions that Butch laid out for us. Shane's cock was still planted firmly in my hot, wet pussy. I had my legs tucked under me putting my ass high in the air and open to Butch. I felt his hand on my cheek and his weight right behind me.

"Now hold still until I tell you."

I heard Butch spit into his hand and knew without looking that he was rubbing it across the head of his dick. It was a nice gesture, but totally unnecessary.  All the cum that had oozed out of my pussy had run down the crack of my ass had made it nice and wet. I felt the head of his cock against my tight hole and tried to relax my sphincter to accommodate him. I’d never had a cock in both holes at once before. I wasn't sure I could do it but I was willing to try. Shane helped out by reaching around me and pulling my cheeks open wider. Then he thrust up with his hips, shoving me back against Butch’s invading tool.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed as Butch sank into me.

"Are you ok?" they both asked with true concern.

"Oh Fuck YES," I growled. "Just give me a minute. I can't believe how full I am. God, this is UNREAL," After a few minutes to get used to all that cock in my nether regions, I slowly started to grind back and forth between the two of them.

"That's it baby," Butch wailed, “Fuck us both."

It was the most incredible thing that I’d ever felt. I’d had cocks in my mouth and pussy before, but never in my ass and pussy both at the same time before.  I could feel one slide out as the other one slid in. My mind was a blur. I was cumming almost constantly. I hoped no one was home upstairs because I was howling like a bitch in heat. I’m not sure who was fucking whom. I was rocking back and force between the two of them, moving at my own rhythm. My whole body was on fire. I couldn't get enough.

Then I felt it. Shane tensed up first but then Butch was right behind him. Soon I felt both of them explode almost simultaneously. In their excitement they both tried to ram their cocks deep inside and I took them as best as I could. My pussy and ass were convulsing, cumming right along with them. The three of us howled like banshees and bucked with ecstasy.

When we were all exhausted we fell in a heap together on the bed. Arms, legs, and bodies were everywhere. Someone produced a joint and we slowly passed it around.

Shane was the first to speak. "That was incredible." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "You aren't going to tell anyone are you?"

Taking a big hit and slowly letting it out, I handed it to Butch.

"Who would I tell? This is just between the three of us," I assured him. "Besides if I told anyone we wouldn't be able to do this again would we," I laughed as I untangled myself and got out of bed. As I reached for my clothes, one of them grabbed my arm and pulled me back down as Butch asked, "Just where do you think that you’re going? We aren't done with you yet. These dicks aren’t going to suck themselves."

Evidently "again" was sooner than I thought...

The next weekend my husband Charlie and Frank were on an all weekend camping trip so I call Butch.  It was too dangerous for him to come to the house because the neighbors would see him, so I had him meet me at those sleazy motels in Kennedale just down the street from the Adult bookstores. I told him not to tell or to bring Shane. This was just between the two of us.

I brought a cooler of beer and he brought a bag of weed.

At daylight we staggered out both so sore we almost couldn’t walk.

Feeling guilty, next time I had a free night I decided it was only fair that I invited Shane. But damn, Butch’s dick was bigger and he fucked so much better.

The end…

Also read: “A Quirk of Fate Again”-{E-170]
                 “A Quirk of Fate III-Shane’s turn”-[E-172]

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