
Taken used and displayed #3

luvnylon   August 24, 2020   | 22977 Views
sara maons into her gag as her protruding clit throbs BDSM Strapped helplessly and dripping cum Sara stands on her toes as she pleads and moans into her gag as the second of the many men in the room watch her torment. Her sensitive clit is protruding like a little cock between the strands of the crotch rope throbbing and swelling even more with the need to be touched. Her pretty cunt is swollen and dripping. Her perfect little feet with their pedicured toes are are straining to keep the pressure off the crotch rope and her distended nipples.
 As she pleads with her eyes and tries to stand still the man in front of her is replaced by yet another tormenter from the audience. He will be #3 -He approaches and starts to whip her sensitive clit with a small flogger. Each strike brings a moan of both pain and pleasure as her cunt spasms and drools and her nipples are pulled mercilessly by the clamps. Finally it stops and she sags against her bonds but only for a moment before stretching back onto herpretty little toes as the rope digs deep into her cunt.
The crowd applauds her struggles as the man in front of her begins to lightlty stroke his fingers from her untouched asshole up her cunt lips and onto her clit. She is beyond caring but thinks to herself at least they cant see my asshole twitching every time he touches it. Suddenly the finger very gently probes her asshole and she finds her body trying to thrust down in an effort to impale herself... but every attempts only causes the crotch rope to dig deeper and her nipples to be jerked taut with the effort. Her clit is throbbing her cunt is leaking cum and she can feel her cunt hole gaping and twitching as it pulses opening and closing.
Just as suddenly as it entered the finger in her asshole is gone. Fratically she thrashes and wiggles needing some kind of  release as the men watching again applaude. He stands looking into her eyes as she pleads and drools sweat pouring from her beautiful little body. He watches as she comes back down from the edge then starts to gently run his hands up the inside of her silken thighs massaging her creamy  cum into her stockings and stopping just before touching her cunt. He suddenly flicks her clit and tugging on it pulls it out even more before placing a clamp on it and hanging a small weight from the chain which swings with every move she makes. He bows as walks away after kissing her on the cheek.
The new sensation drives her crazy and she tugs furiously at her restaints only to cause the wieght on her clit  to swing more as her cunt unleashes a new gush of cum.
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