
Struggling, with Art

whippingboy   October 18, 2021   | 28161 Views
They settled in and started chatting. Chris tried to ignore the fact that she had John naked, in hand cuffs, with a sex toy up his butt, locked in a chest in front of her, but it was hard to get it out of her mind. Her pussy was wet and she was feeling really light headed and euphoric with power. Her plan to get John in this position had worked and she was almost dizzy. Eventually Angel noticed something was amiss, and pressed her for details. stepmom

“John is it?” she asked the man standing at her door.

“Yes it is”, the man answered clearly.

“Come in then”, Chris said, “and close the door”.

She looked at him as he closed the door. At first glance he looked promising, a long heavy winter coat that when removed revealed tight jeans that highlighted a nice butt and a clean pressed shirt hanging from some good pecs and showing that he didn’t have a big beer belly.

“Lock the door”, she said, and felt butterflies in her stomach. She was really about to do this.

He locked the door, turned back to face her, and gave her a nervous smile. His face was winter snow tanned and she was happy to see, clean shaven, something she’d asked for in her ad.

She left him standing where he was for a few moments as she did a few more strokes on the painting in front of her. She was glad she was working on an abstract piece, because her hands were almost shaking, and her brush wasn’t behaving as well as it should.

“Why don’t you take all your clothes off and fold them on the chair, and make yourself comfortable on the sofa”, she said with a confidence that she didn’t feel. She didn’t even look at him when she said it.

There was no hesitation as he complied. The small fireplace was lit and the room was toasty warm, even with the snow outside.  She pretended to ignore him as he undressed, but her eyes were on a strategically placed mirror in her art studio cottage, and she managed to get a good view of him as the clothes came off. He unbuttoned the shirt and hung it over the back of the chair, shoes and socks came off next. She was glad to see the socks come off before the jeans as she was of the view that men looked silly wearing just socks. 

He finished undressing and folding his jeans and underwear and tidying his shoes by the door, and sat down on the sofa.

She turned her back on him as she put the lid back on her pot of paint, washed out her brush and gave her hands a quick clean and dry. Knowing she was partially obstructed from view she quickly checked she didn’t have any lipstick on her teeth and picked up a long wooden ruler from her work bench. She was glad to see him stand up as she approached him and finally had a chance to have a good look at him.

“It’s lovely to meet you John”, She held out her hand and he gave her a gentle handshake. She gave him her happiest smile, showing off her beautiful straight teeth and bright red lipstick. As he released her hand, but without breaking eye contact with him, she reached down and grabbed him by the cock. He flinched in surprise, and with a delightful sharp intake of breath, but allowed her to squeeze and massage his already swollen member.

“Let’s get this cock nice and hard!”, she said to him cheerfully, “so I can make sure you have what I need!”

His cock got rapidly harder in her hand and she could feel the sticky precum oozing from the end of it. In front of the sofa, was a large old timber chest, with a padded leather top, she sat down on it and had a closer look at his erect cock. 

It looked very promising, completely shaven, very hard and very fat, and by eye well over the six inch minimum she’d put in her ad.

Using the wooden ruler she had in her hand, she jabbed the ruler into the soft flesh above his cock. Not quite seven inches. She pushed the ruler harder into his soft flesh and heard a sharp intake of breath. 

“You said seven inches”, she said to him, “so you must have done this yourself!”

She found that if she jammed the ruler hard enough against his pelvic bone and pulled his cock towards her firmly, she could make it hit the 7” mark on her ruler.

She let go of his cock and used the ruler to push him back onto her sofa. It was an antique burgundy leather sofa, that patched the leather covered chest in front of it, and it made a nice smacking sound as his naked bum hit the leather.

“Your cock checks out John”, she gave him another big smile, “so you can stay a little longer. I have a long list of questions that I want to ask you, are you comfortable with that?”

“Yes, absolutely, where would you like to start?” he replied, smiling and managing to look reasonably confident even though he was naked, with an erection, on a sofa and she was completely dressed.

She picked up a clipboard that had a few sheets of paper on it and a pen attached to it by a piece of string and handed it to him.

“I have a few questions on this clipboard, some of them I alluded to in my advertisement, so they shouldn’t come as any surprise to you. Take your time answering them, and be honest, the only wrong answer is a lie. Don’t try and second guess me, or the questions, because I’m absolutely one hundred percent sure that we are going to fuck today. I just need to figure out how I want to play”, she said as she handed him the clipboard, “and please answer all the questions and write clearly. I can’t stand messy handwriting. You are free for the rest of the afternoon I hope?”

“I am one hundred percent free for the rest of the afternoon”, he said enthusiastically as he took the clipboard, “in fact, the whole weekend!” 

She stood up from her place on the padded chest and ran the fingers of both hands through his hair. It was nice and clean, dark, with a bit of a messy curl to it, a few grey hairs on the sides. She tightened her fingers in his hair and his eyes closed and he didn’t resist her. She rocked her hips forwards and backwards gently and imagined fucking his mouth with a strap on dildo. She felt a hot flush go over her at the thought of it. She hoped he ticked THAT box on her questionnaire. Or, she pondered, would it be more fun if he didn’t tick it, but she made him do it anyway. Damn, that’d be so hot. God she couldn’t decide.

She dragged his head around by his hair and he didn’t resist, he kept his eyes closed and if his cock was anything to judge by, seemed to be enjoying the low level pain. She slapped his face hard, slightly harder than she’d intended, and released his hair. His eyes came open with the slap, but he didn’t complain.

“Take your time with the questions”, she said as she walked away from him and back to one of the many easels in her studio. “Damn, I am so wet”, she thought to herself, “and my hands are shaking too much to do any fine work, so I think I’ll just package up a few pieces that need to be posted out”. She got busy and watched John as he started answering the questions.

She’d written the questions with her friend Angel the weekend prior and she’d fleshed out a document on her clunky old laptop as they’d sat around drinking gin and watching Chick Flicks. They were a work of art. A work of art written by two drunk horny women who had no shame.

“They say they’ll eat you all out night”, her friend had protested, “but after five minutes they’re done, they give you a quick fuck, and then they go to sleep! So you need to set some expectations here! She’d suggested putting a list of boxes they could tick with how long they’d eat pussy for with durations ranging from one minute, to all weekend. The questions got even more explicit from there on.

She finished packing up the first painting and looked over at John, he finished writing something and turned the first page, he looked up, caught her eye and smiled at her.

She went to the small kitchenette, opened the fridge up and took out a bottle of white wine, poured two glasses and took one over to him.

“How are you going?” she asked softly.

“Thanks”, he said as she handed him the wine, “I’m going good, the questions are actually really good. I mean, I don’t think I could even ask a girl about most of this stuff out loud, but being able to just tick a box really helps me be totally honest. So thanks for being so thoughtful, and making this really easy!”

She was getting really horny and couldn’t wait to just mash his face into her pussy when he finished the questionnaire.

“Why should I wait?” she suddenly thought to herself, “he’s down to fuck and I can see he ticked a fair number of boxes on the pussy eating question”.

She stepped around in front of him and lifted up the front of her light floral print dress, put one foot up on the sofa beside him, and grabbed him by the back of the head and pressed his face into the soaking front of her white knickers. He immediately started licking her through the thin fabric as she ground herself against his face. She felt a hot flush rising through her body. She’d been hot and horny all day for this. Tidying up, setting the scene, just hoping someone a bit tasty would walk through the door and not cancel at the last second. She’d lost sleep over thinking about this moment. She was so close before he even started. It only took her a couple of minutes and she orgasmed quickly and hard, almost losing her balance. She grabbed his head with her other hand and held his face just where she needed it. She’d felt him slip off the sofa earlier and sit on the floor before her, to ease the strain on his neck. She rode the orgasm for a few more moments and felt goosebumps across her breasts.

She let go of his head and stepped away from him, letting her dress fall back into place.

“Keep going with the questions”, she said softly, “you’re doing really well!”

She left him kneeling on the floor and went back to packing her artwork, her knees shaking slightly. She hummed along to the music playing on her laptop. Today was really working out very well. 

When she looked back John was back sitting on the sofa answering the questions with a broad smile on his face.

Including the short interruption, it took him the best part of an hour to answer all her questions, by which time she’d run through a ton of small tasks that needed finishing, jumped in the shower, and thrown on a silk kimono that she used as a dressing gown. She put her hair up quickly and jammed a couple of chopsticks through it and refilled her wine glass before coming back to find that John had finished the questionnaire and was looking at her paintings hung around the walls.

“These are amazing”, he said as she came back into the room to find him gazing at one of her personal favourites, a picture of the stone cottage they were in, with a meadow filled with flowers.

He handed her the clipboard and she headed towards the sofa to read it.

“Come over here John”, she waved at the old wooden chest in front of the sofa, “and lie down on this chest, I want to sit on your face while I read through your answers”.

John came over and lay down on the chest, she had him shuffle down a bit further so that his legs were off the chest a bit and his feet on the floor, so that she’d have a bit of extra room around his head. Even though the top of the chest was lightly padded, she popped a cushion under his head.

“Are you comfortable”, she asked as she stroked his cheek softly, and looked at his smiling face.

“Very, very comfortable”, he said, grinning at her.

She climbed carefully up onto the chest, and positioned herself above his face, she placed each knee on either side of his chest, pinning his shoulders down and pushing his arms away from his body. He lifted his face up and started licking her, but she grabbed his hair and forced his head back down.

“Just wait until I’m comfortable”, she said to him, with a tone that was pretending to be scolding but really wasn’t.

She moved her toes and the ends of her feet slowly and carefully under his neck, and rested back on her heels a bit. She was a big girl, so she wiggled her butt a bit and slowly but firmly positioned herself on his face, covering his mouth and nose. 

She released his hair, lifted the clipboard up and announced regally, “you may begin!”

He immediately started licking her and she started reading the questionnaire on the clipboard.

When the two drunk girls and the bottle of gin had written the questions, it had been pretty badly done, and they’d never ever thought that another set of eyes would ever see them. But a couple of days later, she’d gone back and crafted a much better set of questions.

She read through the first section, enjoying John’s clear precise answers. Literacy was good, and that was important to her. He was also down for all the fairly vanilla things on the first page. She ticked things with a red pen and circled one of his answers to come back to. When asked what he was most after he’d replied, “A girl who is constantly horny, I don’t mind what she’s into as long as she’s into me”.

She felt his hand tap at his thigh and so as she turned the page, she lifted herself slightly off his face, so that he could breath for a few moments. She reached down and grabbed his hard cock with her left hand and just squeezed it as hard as she could. She crushed it between her fingers and watched the hard end of it turn purple.

“You write really well John”, she said happily, “these answers are delightful!”

She sat down hard again on his face before giving him a chance to reply.

The second page was slightly kinkier, but really still pretty tame, it was about ropes and gags and spanking and how he felt about being tied helpless for long periods of time. He’d ticked almost everything and written responses that made her temperature rise. He wrote that “...he was very happy to be tied to a bed all weekend and just be there as her fuck toy whenever she wanted him…”. Damn, she was certainly going to do that!

She finished the second page and sat forward again, allowing him to breathe. He took several long deep breaths and then tipped his head up and started licking her again.

Page three was about butt stuff, essentially a list of questions involving what he’d let her do to his butt. He confessed that he’d stuck toys up his own butt, but never done any arse play with a lover. He’d consider doing it if that was her thing, but maybe they could work up to it over time. She looked at the clock on the wall, it was slightly after ten in the morning, and set herself a goal of getting something in his butt before noon. 

“I’m a task focused girl”, she said out loud, “and setting small achievable goals is the best way forward!”

There was a questioning murmur from under her arse but she ignored it.

She lifted herself off him again and looked down at his face while he took a few deep breaths , his eyes were closed and his face was covered in moisture, a mixture of her moisture and his sweat. She entwined her fingers into his hair, and looking back at the box he’d ticked on the clipboard that said “he’d think about eating arse”, she jammed his face into her arse crack.

She’d given everything a very soapy clean in the shower, she reasoned, so it was all very fresh back there. He started licking gently and she let go of his hair. Nobody had ever eaten her arse before and it felt really good.

She gave his cock a few encouraging pumps, picked up the clipboard again and turned the page. 

Page four was about pain. And it looked like he was down for pretty much everything she was interested in. His main caveat was that he liked to run, and play racquetball, so she couldn’t leave marks that would show below his running shorts.

He’d also happily take “correction”. Her heart raced. She stuck a hand inside her kimono and started to play with her clit while his tongue teased her arse. It was very very wet. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed herself for a few moments. After a few minutes, John’s head fell back from her and he lay back gasping for air. She took her wet sticky fingers from her pussy and shoved them into his mouth.

“You are a fucking ten out of ten so far”, she said to him as he sucked her fingers clean, “just keep doing what you’re doing”. She sat back on his face before he could reply.

Page five was where she asked about “other people”. Would he be down for threesome? Would he enjoy it if he pimped her out to one of her girlfriends? Her boyfriends? His answers were clear, and delightful. He expected to be first amongst equals in her relationships, he expected the kinky aspects of their relationships to be private, and he expected to meet and like anyone that she might decide to pimp her out to well in advance of anything like that. He wasn’t down to suck other men’s cocks.  Wasn’t interested in other men at all, but “...ask me again in a year, maybe we can talk...”.

There was another page to read, but there was some pressure building to focus on his tongue, so she tossed the clipboard onto the sofa and slid herself backwards on his face, moving his tongue from her arse to her pussy. She closed her eyes and pressed herself hard onto his face.

“Oh God!”, she moaned out loud, just don’t stop.

She felt his hand tapping on her thigh, but she wasn’t quite ready for him to stop, so she grabbed his wrist and pinned it to the padded top of the chest. His other hand started tapping her other thigh and she grabbed that with her other hand and pinned that as well. 

She could feel the orgasm building inside her, and it felt amazing, surely he could keep going for another minute. She felt him try to turn his face away from her to get a breath of air and she jammed both of her feet into the sides of his head, stopping him from turning.

He began to struggle under her, twisting and bucking a little, but still licking and sucking at her clit. She shifted just slightly and heard him suck in some air. She only gave him a few seconds, a short gasp, and then she crushed his head into the cushion and felt a full body orgasm take her. Moaning and shuddering she let it roll over her. He was trying hard to move his head, to get some precious air, and he was trying hard to move his hands so he could push her off him, but she had him at a disadvantage, like a wrestling pin and he couldn’t get the leverage. But his struggling and writhing made her come even harder and she opened her eyes and exclaimed out loud.

“Jesus Fucking Christ”, she said as she slipped forward off his face, “I haven’t come that hard before, ever”. She stood up as he lay there gasping for air. “Do. Not. Move!” she said to him as she walked quickly over to her bedroom and returned with a pair of fur lined handcuffs.

“Sit up”, she demanded, dangling the handcuffs from one finger, “your hands need restraining”.

He sat up obediently and held his hands out in front of him. She locked both of his hands into the cuffs, and carefully adjusted the little lever that stopped them closing up too much. She pushed him back down onto the chest, raised his hands above his head and bent them at the elbows so that they hung over the end of the chest. 

“Mmmm”, she said mostly to herself, “that looks tasty!”

When she’d cleaned up the studio earlier, she’d fantasized about tying a man to the chest just in this very position and she slipped a few cable ties under the sofa to make it more convenient to do so. 

“Past Chris”, she said to herself as she cable-tied the handcuffs to the handle on the end of the chest, “you’re the real MVP!”

He was a different shape with his hands above his head, but she managed to get herself comfortable quite easily. She stroked his hair gently and looked down at his face, he was grinning from ear to ear.

“I am just fine”, he reassured her, “this is absolutely what I’m after, you just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t worry about me!”

She opened her kimono, and lounged forward on him, feeling her soft breasts press onto his stomach, and she began to gently stroke them across John’s penis. She adjusted her legs a few times and found that spreading wide, with her feet on the floor, worked best. She felt completely open and slightly vulnerable, and really dirty doing it. But that helped it feel even better.

The new position meant that John had room to breathe and had to reach for her, but he started licking and sucking at her with enthusiasm and some small amount of skill and she just lay there on him for what seemed like an age enjoying the soft burn of a good slow pussy licking. She listened to a few songs playing softly on her laptop speakers and enjoyed some of the dirty lyrics of her playlist. 

“I could just go to sleep here”, she murmured, “but that wouldn’t be completely fair, and you have been so very well behaved”.

She ran her fingernails down his penis and felt it twitch. She blew on it and stroked it gently and it began to harden in response, when it was sufficiently hard, she sat up and started licking the tip of his penis, tasting the salty precum. She stuck her tongue out to open her throat and breathed in as she slowly slid her mouth down the length of his engorged member. He moaned underneath her and the vibrations of that moan hit her in just the right place.

She sucked some extra saliva into her mouth and made sure it was extra wet before she took him into her mouth again. She started pumping her wet mouth back and forwards on his hard cock, keeping it sloppy and wet, and was rewarded with extra, deep moaning from under her pussy.

“I don't know if I can fit your whole cock into my mouth and throat”, she said to him during a brief pause in the sucking, “but I’m going to try. Wish me luck!”

“Good luck”, he said enthusiastically, “I believe in you!”

She’d gotten drunk at a party once and a slutty friend had shown her how  to deep throat on a banana. “The trick is to stick your tongue out”, her friend had assured her, “and to kind of breathe in as you take it in, so you don’t gag”. Her friend demonstrated on a large banana with a flawless performance.

She focused on getting his cock really wet and sloppy and then went in for the big swallow. The advice helped and after the fifth try she managed to get her chin resting on his pubic bone, saliva and spit were leaking out of her nose, but she loved the fullness in her throat and enjoyed for a few moment the breathless feeling of having her airways cut off.

The moaning underneath her increased and there was a short pause in the pussy licking.

They lay there for some time, their tongues and mouths lazily exploring each others sex. Neither of them in a rush and both just enjoying the euphoric feeling of a lazy winter morning with nothing pressing to make them rush away. 

Glancing up at the clock, and seeing it was getting close to noon, Chris remembered the promise she’d made to herself earlier about getting something up John’s butt. Without moving away, she reached under the sofa and dragged out an old shoebox that she’d left there earlier. She slipped off the lid, and grabbed a latex glove and some lube from the box. She put the glove on her right hand and put the lube on top of the chest safely out of the way of any flailing limbs.

She took her mouth and hands away from his cock for the first time in almost an hour and sat up, pressed her butt firmly down onto his face and relaxed. His tongue worked softly at her anal entrance and she cracked her neck and took a few deep breaths, today was a good day!

Chris reached forward and pulled both of John’s legs off the floor, pressing behind each of his knees with her elbows she pushed his knees down towards the top of the chest. This both lifted his bum off the chest, and spread his butt cheeks apart. She stroked the back of his thighs, and his bum appreciatively, she gave both cheeks a couple of hard slaps and heard some muffled words from under her arse. She paid them no mind.

Taking the lube, she squirted some onto the tip of one of her latex covered fingers, and started spreading the lube gently into his arse crack. He flinched deliciously, but didn’t attempt to move his legs away, or cut off access to her, so she kept going and gently pressed a finger up against the entrance to his arse.

“Damn, this is hot!”, she exclaimed excitedly as she grabbed his penis with her other hand and started pumping vigorously , “I am having so much fun right now!”

She slid one finger slowly into his arse and was rewarded with a deep moan underneath her. She worked it back and forwards slowly, exploring the inside of him. He stopped licking and just lay there moaning. As his sphincter relaxed and adjusted, she gently tried to squeeze in a second lube covered finger.

“Gently, please”, he whispered from beneath her.

She continued to work gently at his hole with both fingers and after a few minutes she was able to slip both fingers all the way in and push them all the way home.

John’s moaning was just an animalistic sound now, he’d stopped licking and talking and was just laying under her accepting her digital penetration in a state of euphoric bliss.

She grabbed a toy out of her shoe box and held it up in front of John’s face. It was a stainless steel butt plug, with a fake foxes tail hanging off it. She’d seen it on Wish, and bought it when drinking gin a few years ago. When she was feeling a bit horny she’d sometimes wear it to the shops under her pants so while she did her grocery shop. Whatever got you through the week, right?

While she pumped his arse with her fingers, she let the fox tail tickle John’s nose for a bit. Eventually he stopped moaning for a bit and opened his eyes. And his eyes told a story. They were filled with lust and bliss and joy and she melted into them.

“John”, she said to him gently, “I want to stick this up your butt are you okay with that? And, I was wondering if your arms were okay? Or if maybe I should let them go, you’ve been tied there for over an hour?”

“Yes”, he answered, his voice heavy with lust, “yes, yes, yes to everything, you just do whatever you want, I am hot for it”.

“Open your mouth”, she said and he obeyed instantly, their eyes locked together.

She pushed the stainless butt plug into his mouth and he slurped on it hungrily, covering it in his saliva, eventually she pulled it away from his tongue and lips and positioned it above his butt.

“Eat me”, she said as she lowered herself back onto his face, and he started licking and sucking with renewed vigour.

She enjoyed his tongue and mouth for a while as she slowly pumped an extra squirt of lube onto his butt. Removing the latex glove she grabbed the butt plug in her right hand and slowly started working it into his anus. He started moaning under him again and damn if it didn’t feel good. 

She glanced up at the clock on the wall again, five minutes to twelve, she smiled to herself. She slowly worked the plug into his arse, and as the clock ticked over to noon, it was all the way in, and resting comfortably. She wiped off all the extra lube with a baby wipe and pushed his legs back down so his feet were on the floor. 

She rode his face for a few minutes and then picked up her phone. Thumbing the phone unlocked, she quickly flicked off an instant message to her best friend, and neighbour, Angel.

“Come over, I have wine”. She waited for a few moments, saw that her friend had the message, saw that she was typing, and then the response, “OMW”.

She felt a flush of heat go through her. She’d fantasized about doing this and fuck it, she was just going to do it.

Chris got up off the chest, and stretched, she looked down at John, with a lazy smile on her face. Picking up a small pair of snips she snipped the cable tie holding his hand cuffs to the handle of the chest. John slowly raised his arms up and moaned as he was finally able to move his arms again.

“You are amazing”, she said to him, “and I think I’m going to keep you, stand up and give me a kiss”.

It took him a while to stand up, as he adjusted to being free again, but eventually he got to his feet and put his cuffed hands behind her head and kissed her softly. She ran her hands up and down his back and buttocks and looked over his shoulder at the strategically placed full length mirror to see the fox tail hanging from his butt.

“Damn, you’re sexy”, she said, “I hope you’re really actually good for this whole weekend, because I’m not letting you go any time soon”.

“I am one hundred percent free until I need to be at work at 8am on Monday morning”, he replied between kisses.

They enjoyed each other’s lips for a few long kisses and she listened carefully for the sound she knew was coming. Eventually, they both heard it together, the sound of boots on a snowy driveway. They pulled apart and she feigned surprise.

“Fuck”, she exclaimed under her breath, “I forgot she was coming over”, she looked around quickly in mock panic and threw open the chest. It was a big old timber chest, with carved lattice work at both ends that would allow air in, easily big enough to take a full grown man.

“Just get in quickly it’ll be fine, I promise”, she waved at the chest.

John had a look of panic in his eyes, he had a butt plug up his arse and handcuffs on his wrists.

“The bedroom?”, he asked while looking at the chest, “the bathroom?”

“The bedroom curtains are open, she’ll see you. And she may want to use the bathroom. Trust me it’s the only place!”

John climbed in and lay down and gave her a pleading look with his eyes. She scooped up the cushion and tossed it in there so he’d have something to rest his head on. She also grabbed the box of sey toys, and all his clothing, coat and shoes and threw them all in on top of him.

“This will be fine, I promise, just don’t make a sound”, she said as she gave him a quick kiss and closed the lid of the chest. She felt a thrill behind her breasts as snapped shut the two clasps on the chest and had a quick look around.

She threw on knickers, track pants, an oversized T shirt and a extra fluffy jumper and moved the few pieces of evidence of her sex play. She grabbed glasses, wine and a bag of chips, turned up the music, unlocked the door, and settled down on the sofa by the fire.

And her best friend Angel walked in.

“Day drinking? Before noon?” Angel said accusingly as she held up two more bottles of wine, “no wonder we’re best friends!”

Angel had been the friend who’d helped her write the “Can You Even Sex?” questionnaire as they’d named it, and she was a regular part of Chris’s life. They saw each other every day. They shared everything.

They settled in and started chatting. Chris tried to ignore the fact that she had John naked, in hand cuffs, with a sex toy up his butt, locked in a chest in front of her, but it was hard to get it out of her mind. Her pussy was wet and she was feeling really light headed and euphoric with power. Her plan to get John in this position had worked and she was almost dizzy. Eventually Angel noticed something was amiss, and pressed her for details.

“Girl”, she said, pointing a glass of wine at her and only splashing a bit on the floor, “you are hiding something, what are you not telling me? Wait. You put that ad on that fetish website didn’t you? Oh my God, did you get a nibble?”

“A nibble?”, she said, “More like a school of piranhas, it was like I opened a window and somebody threw a thousand cocks at me...”

“But…” her friend pressed for details, “after you blocked all the creepers, did you find anyone?”

“I found one guy that seems promising, we’ve swapped a few emails and we’re going to maybe get together tomorrow.”

Her friend Angel gushed with excitement for a few minutes, offered advice on which dress to wear and a hundred other things and they polished off a bottle and a half of wine between them. Eventually, Angel stood up and went into the bathroom to use the toilet.

Chris opened up the lid of the chest and looked at John.

“Are you doing okay in there?” she asked him.

“You planned this!”, he said accusingly, but with a genuine sense of amusement in his voice, “you are an absolute fucking filthy genius!”

She grinned at him wolfishly and bent to kiss him deeply.

“When Angel gets back, I’ll take her for a walk outside so we can smoke a joint, you can get out and have a toilet break. Grab that bottle of water, get back in the chest, and I promise she’ll be gone in two hours”, she smiled at him, “four hours at the most. And leave the tail where it is, because it is as cute as hell!”

She closed the lid, poured more wine, and proceeded to roll up a joint while she waited for Angel to return.

When Angel came back from the toilet, they both went outside and walked down the driveway, smoked a joint and appreciated the clear blue sky. After a few days of snow, it was nice to have a clear day. They chatted and eventually returned to warm themselves again in front of the fire.

The conversation eventually returned to boyfriends and they both talked honestly about what they really wanted in life.

“Honestly”, Chris confessed to Angel, “my life is full. I have a job and a part time business, I love to travel and I don’t want kids. All I really want is a man I can store in a box and take him out when I’m horny, so he can lick me and give me a good hard pounding. I don’t want to meet his friends or family. Maybe go out to dinner and a show from time to time. But that’s it”.

“Amen sister, with a really nice arse I can slap!” Angel agreed loudly and drunkenly, “and when you find him, you’ll need to share him with me, because I’ll need a piece of that as well!”

Eventually, after the full four hours, Angel had to go. She’d drunk two of the three bottles of wine and was feeling a bit sleepy. Even though it was only four in the afternoon, the sun set early this time of year.

Chris went through to the bedroom and closed her curtains, looking at Angel stagger down her driveway, she returned to the workshop living room and opened up the chest to a sleeping John.

“Wake up sleepy head”, she said to him and his eyes flickered awake, “why don’t you go and lie on my bed and I’ll give you a nice massage to work out any kinks in your back!”

John obeyed, and she took all his clothing out of the chest, refolded them and hung them up as he’d done when he arrived. She threw another couple of logs on the fire and closed the fire screen.

When she arrived in the bedroom, John was stretched out on his stomach on her bed, his face turned towards her and his cute little fox tail sticking up comically. He was smiling at her softly.

“You really are a deliciously devious wench”, he said to her, “and I think I love you!”

Chris climbed up onto the bed, squeezed some massage oil onto her hands that had been warming beside the fire. She began to massage his back, neck and shoulders.

“I have been a very naughty girl”, she confessed as she lay forward and slid her breasts up and down his oiled back, “and I’ve enjoyed it a lot. But I want you to pick what we do next”.

“Either”, she said as she bit his earlobe gently, “you can bend me over your knee, and spank me really hard like the naughty girl that I am, throat fuck me, and then you can send me out naked to the kitchen to cook you dinner…”

She ground her pelvic bone against the sex toy that was still in his butt, elicing a moan of enjoyment from the sleepy John.

“Or you can drive into town to that sex shop and buy a strapon dildo and some dinner and after we’ve eaten, I’ll pound your arse all night long”.

“Mmm”, he replied, “I tell you what, you finish this massage, and I will have decided!”

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