
Perversion and Privilege 1 (the day before the night)

Secretly twisted   January 27, 2020   | 17225 Views
I awoke at 7am. I heard the rain outside and the wind shook the windows of our large, but old family home. It was Saturday and I didn't need to get up so I buried my head back into… cheating

I awoke at 7am. I heard the rain outside and the wind shook the windows of our large, but old family home. It was Saturday and I didn't need to get up so I buried my head back into my pillow contentedly, ready to drift back off to sleep.

 Suddenly I sat bolt upright. It's was Saturday, the day was finally here! Tonight was the night of the party and I couldn't wait.

I was still new to the group and received a lot of attention which, having been educated at home by private tutors and never really having any friends, was thrilling for me.

  Although I wasn't alowed to reject the advances of any party guest who was my senior (which, as I was only 16 meant almost everyone), my father was very protective of his little girl and reluctant to alow others to use his property.

As a result I still hadn't had full sex with any man but dad. Last month I only got as far as giving a blowjob to an old army general as dad fucked him from behind.

He told me he was teaching me about queers and that neither of them enjoyed it. I could tell he was lying by the way he kissed the man when he thought I wasn't looking.

Tonight, however, would be different. It was Mum and dad's turn to host the party, their first since my induction to the group. Dad wouldn't tell me what show he had planned but promised that I would be the star.

The thought of all those people getting excited by watching me was soooo exciting and I couldn't wait.

I got up and made my way downstairs. Noticing I was the first I made dad his coffee and took it up to him, a job given to the first to rise in our house. On entering mum and dad's room I saw mum alone, sat up in bed reading.

She patted the empty space next to her and motioned for me to join her, so I set dad's coffee on the bedside table and climbed onto the bed.

She leant in to give me my good morning kiss, not a motherly kiss but a slow but definite kiss, bitting my bottom lip as she pulled away.  

"Where's dad?" I asked her, finally breaking the silence.

"He spent the night in your grandmother's room" she replied, lighting up a cigarette and taking a long pull.

"Doesn't it bother you when he wants to sleep with her instead of you?" I asked.

She blew out a cloud of smoke and looked distant for a moment. "We mustn't think like that" she told me

"His needs are what's important whether we understand them or not"

She turned to face me with a slightly defeated look "If it's what he wants, it must be right"

"besides" she said, perking up "He had a lot of aggression to work out last night and it's better he works it out on her than me.

She eld my face and smiled "or God forbid, on you"

I looked at my mother. She was still young, only 38 and was very beautiful. I had a stocky build and was a bit chubby so I envied her slim, petite frame.

  "Why do men hurt us?" I asked her. I wasn't questioning it, I was just eager to know all I could.

"All women have our failures and we need punishing for them" she answered in a matter of fact way.

"Your grandmother's sin is the biggest. She allowed herself to be impregnated by another man. By shaming her husband she proved herself to be less than human. She is punished as an animal or an object, denied the human senses of sight, speech and hearing"

  "Because of her, my existence is my sin" she continued

" I was the result of your grandmother's infidelity and I am lucky he alowed me to be born. I need to be hurt to ensure I never forget I'm a bastard"

She took another drag of her cigarette before continuing

"The more pain I feel, the more God will accept me"  

"What about me?" I asked, visibly excited by my mother's lesson "what's my sin? How will I be punished?"

"You have such a pretty face" she told me "You could have been perfect for your father by the time you turned 16"

I tried to protest but she held up her hand to silence me.

"instead you came to him fat, hairy and sweaty with no makeup and no effort made to look good for him. He had planned to pluck your flower gently but he was so mad to see his Princess like that that he tore it away"

I hung my head in shame, I remember the day well but that's a story for another time.

Mum gave me a disappointed look. "You could never look disgusting but you looked like you had tried. Therefore you will do things as disgusting as you appeared to him that day" she told me.

"like what?" I asked, my voice nearly a whisper.

"Expect to clean your father's feet, armpits and his anus all with your tongue"

She looked me in the eye and continued.

"During mine and your own monthly shame (the code for periods in our household) you will become intimate with our.."

Se paused looking unusually awkward as she talked about a time of the month we were raised to believe was abhorrent

".. Soiled products" she managed.

"And you will drink urine, lots of urine"

She must have seen a brief look of concern on my face because she went on

"But don't worry, you will be your father's pig in the bedroom but you will always be his Princess"

I took a minute to absorb this information. "Does he enjoy punishing us?" I said eventually

"When a man punishes a sinner he is rewarded by God" she explained to me as her mother had to her when she was my age.

  "When he causes pain, he feels pleasure. When he makes us worthless he gains worth and when we dirty ourselves for him he becomes more pure"  

I could tell she believed it all but I wasn't so gullible. I knew it was all because he was a perverted sadist, which I was fine with. Mum continued.

"In time you will learn to take pleasure from his pleasure and there is no better feeling" 

"What about you?" I asked

"Would you get pleasure from hurting someone? Would you get pleasure from hurting me?"

She paused and looked at me. I could tell she liked the idea by the speed of her breathing.

"What would you think of me if that were the case?" she asked, testing the water by checking my reaction.

I repeated her mantra from earlier "If it's what you want, it must be right"

She unbuttoned my night shirt and licked her lips as she slowly lowered her cigarette towards my bare breast. 

I closed my eyes, shaking with fear and excitement as I started to feel the heat but at last minute, she pulled her hand back.

"Not now" she said "I mustn't mark you before tonight, your father would be furious. Speaking of your father, you'd best take him his coffee before it gets cold"

I stood up and buttoned my top back up before taking the coffee and heading out of the room before she stopped me at the door.

"But Jasmine"  she said in the voice she used when I was a little girl.

"When daddy goes to Dubai next week mummy would like to hurt you a lot. Is that okay?"I nodded in agreement and left.

I knocked on the door of grandmother's room and entered when my dad's voice told me to do so.

He was sat up in bed wearing a silk robe. He smiled at me as I entered and placed his coffee on the nightstand.

Dad was almost 65 but was in very good shape for his age. He was tall and deceptively muscular with neatly trimmed silver hair and handsome features which were complimented by the few wrinkles he did have. He also had one blue and one green eye. This was the result of a head injury he received as a teenager but the effect was strikingly beautiful.  

"I heard you go to my room. Is your mother okay?" He asked  

"She's fine thankyou sir" I responded. I didn't always have to call him sir but it was a sensible thing to do when his mood was unknown.

"Call me daddy Princess, after all, it's your big day".

If he wanted me to call him daddy then he was in the mood to have me act childlike and naive. He was easy to read and manipulate despite his misguided belief that he called the shots. He thought he was in control but, If my mother and her's before her, had even half of my intelligence, they would have had much easier lives.

In this occasion, I choose to act sweet and a little scared of anything sexual but decided not to go too far and use my "little girl" voice.

"Thankyou daddy" I said twirling my hair around my finger.

"Did your mummy fuck you? Have you been a naughty girl with mummy?" He asked, playing along with my innocent act.

I shook my head.  "No daddy I promise. We just talked"

He gestured for me to sit on the edge of the bed facing the door. He shifted up behind me and brushed my hair to one side before planting sweet kisses on my neck.

"What did you talk about?" He asked between kisses.

"I learned of my role, of my sins and what punishment to expect" I said  

"Do you think mummy is pretty?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"She puts a lot of effort in to look nice for me does your mummy. She always stays slim and keeps he body hair neatly trimmed for me"

I knew where he was going with this so I responded quickly. 

"I promise I will try harder daddy, I'll make myself pretty for you I swear!"

Suddenly he grabbed a fist full of my hair And yanked my head back before speaking to me in a low growl.

"It's too late for that Princess, you've chosen your path. You will only shave, wash or wear makeup with my permission"

He pulled my hair tighter, enjoying my discomfort.

" Never forget that you're my fat little pig and that was your choice!"

He sat back in bed and sipped his coffee as if nothing had happened.

"You're grandmother is in her bathroom" He said nodding towards the en suite.

"It's not in any state to greet you but you'll see it tonight at the party"

On mention of the party he shot me a humourless grin.

"Speaking of which" He hissed "let's go through your role"

He then explained in detail what tonight's show would involve. He reminded me that at the moment, 10 months since he took my virginity, I was relatively inexperienced in sex.

I had seen and learned of many things, most more shocking than a lot of women could imagine but my only sexual partners had been mum and dad, plus a few of his chums he had made me suck of at our gatherings.

All sex with daddy had been vaginal and, not including the first time, enjoyable but tonight that would change.

I was going to have anal sex for the first time with my dad as our guests watched. Then each guest would be allowed to suggest an act for me to try for the first time and, if daddy approved, they would be allowed to carry out the act.I would not be permitted to speak unless the act I am being introduced to demands it.

When each guest has had a turn I shall be taken to the stables to recover. There I shall spend the night while being looked after by Lord Rathborn's house maids who have a knack for being gentle and understanding and whose discretion could be guaranteed.

I couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day. I was excited, nervous and scared. Father's plan had so many uncertainties, I didn't know what to expect.

That evening, as staff rushed to get everything ready for the party, mum, grandma and mum's maid got me ready for my show. I had been given permission to bathe and Wear makeup but not to shave. Father had bought me a beautiful claret dress for the occasion and, looking in the mirror, I truly felt like a Princess. Daddy's Princess.

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