
The Office Tease

dsinkey   June 26, 2020   | 14584 Views
Your little sighs and inappropriate moans of wicked pleasure escaped from your lips, you could feel your boss's roguish cock harden and press through his nice fitting slacks, ready and randy rings

The Office Tease

Part 1

The office meeting started crisply at 10:30 am and by then nearly all the staff in the office had filed in to take their seats. The room was nearly full.

 Nearly everyone was there, but you….

 You strolled in as if you didn’t have a care on your mind and by your swagger, it was evident to those already seated, being a few minutes late wasn’t a concern. Taking your seat just opposite of me, you casually swiveled the cushioned chair around, eased your short-skirt covered ass into the chair, flopped your notepad onto the table as if it didn’t belong and took one finger against your cheek. So…my secretary had made the meeting after all!

 It was clear something had you on edge; was it the unprocessed reports piling up on your desk, or maybe it was the fact you had recently been moved to share your office space, much to your displeasure? But whatever it was, when your eyes finally met mine across the large expanse of the formal meeting table, as your department boss I immediately knew what it was….and smiled to myself.

 The corporate Manager of the company began, and just as quickly as he dived into the issues of the agenda, you leaned back and rolled your eyes. Others seated across from you could tell something was amiss, however, while Manger’s diatribe continued. In a diverting fashion, you leaned forward, put your elbow on the desk, and lightly flicked your tongue across the tip of your finger…apparently interested in diverting my attention!

       Some of the office staff pretended not to notice and others weren’t sure what you were up to and really didn’t care, but me? Ohhh….I only knew too well! Yes….I could see my secretary was quite distracted by other thoughts, more pressing matters as I had been out on assignment. Clearly my absence during the last week had left you….wanting. The not-so-subtle message was quite clear!

You could say during the last year, our recent working relationship had become intimate, to say the least. The moments spent at my private office were entirely well-spent; and by the time you had finished delivering all the necessary reports, you and I were wonderfully spent! Over the course of the working week you would occasionally visit me, sometimes even after the staff had all left for the day; drop the day’s reports in my lap, give me your most naughty look, then bend over and lay across my desk, oblivious of the paperwork strewn to be completed. Then give your tantalizing ass a swagger, you would lay still, as if purring, waiting and wanting to feel my firm hands appreciate the curve of that ass, ease you out of that tight blouse and off those sumptuous shoulders, placing wet succulent nips across your back as I freed you from your proper hindrances.

 Then while little sighs and inappropriate moans of wicked pleasure escaped from your lips, you could feel your bosses roguish cock harden and press through his nice fitting slacks, ready and randy.

 You closed your eyes, soaking in a brief shiver of anticipated delight…..

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