
Fateful Decision

Andrea M Love   August 26, 2018   | 39330 Views
In this exciting, arousing story, a hot wife satisfies years of intense cravings for her best girlfriend's husband; first, by seducing him, then rendering him helpless to her charms through repetitive, mutually gratifying encounters. The author tells the story in the first person from the adulterous husband’s viewpoint. Told in graphic and stimulating detail, the story will arouse the senses of most readers. cheating

It was an unusually warm evening in late October. The Santa Ana winds had blown most of the day! The afternoon temperature was in the low nineties. We were having another one of those wild football after parties, this time at Larry and Cindy’s house. State was now 7-0 and tabbed to win the league championship and qualify for a bowl berth.

It was nearly 1:00 am and we were all nearly stoned on margaritas. Larry kept the punch bowl filled with his homemade margaritas all night. We had all been out of college 20 years, except for Cindy, and, Karen, my wife. They were three years behind the rest of us. All of us had been college sweethearts, marrying soon after graduation.  We all had teenage children. There were a minimum of ten couples who routinely showed up at the games and parties, sometimes twelve if they all came. We had a block of season tickets on the fifty-yard line, and at half-court for basketball.

We also had basketball after parties. We had been doing this as a group for years. We rotated houses and hosts, so everyone had an opportunity to show their hosting and culinary skills. Cindy was an extraordinary culinary, and her Mexican buffet that night kept us all from going under the table.

Karen and Cindy were classmates and lifelong friends from the fifth grade all the way through graduation from State. The four of us did a lot of things together, even several vacations and camping trips with the kids. Larry was one of my best friends. Cindy always seemed attracted to me. It was, indeed, flattering.  From time-to-time she would say subtle things to let me know. She would seek me out to dance, or for conversation, or sit or stand next to me when we were in group situations, frequently finding ways to touch my hand, arm or back.

Larry was in banking and had done quite well. He was vice president of regional banking which included five counties in our part of the state and was very well paid. He necessarily did a lot of traveling. I was director of marketing for a major computer firm, hoping to become vice president in another year, or so. I, too, did a lot of traveling and was equally well paid. Karen was an intensive care nurse and Cindy was an elementary school teacher.

When we got together as a group or just the four of us, Cindy usually greeted Karen and me with a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. She did this with everyone, but all of it was longer with me, usually whispering I was handsome, or looked so nice, or smelled so good. When we danced or were alone in conversation, she would sometimes make provocative and solicitous comments, once saying Karen was a very lucky woman, no small wonder she always had a smile on her face. I shrugged all of this off as simply a flirtatious and fun-loving part of her personality.

It was nearly 2 am and Larry refilled the margarita bowl, announcing this was the last batch, the bar was closed, and everyone should drink up! I looked over and Karen was busy talking with a small group in the kitchen. I went to the table and poured my final margarita. As I turned to go back into the living room, Cindy was next to me asking if I would fill her glass. She then asked if I would like to get some fresh air with her, she was getting a little warm.

After we passed through the french doors leading to the deck, she took my hand and led me to the end of the deck, away from the light coming through the doors and windows. Meanwhile, someone had put on a CD of slow dance music. She put her glass on the rail, took mine and put in on the rail, and took me in her arms and began to dance with me. I had danced with her many times before, but this one seemed different.

She pulled herself close to me, almost pushing in, I could feel her breasts on my chest and her pussy up against my dick, her head cradled on my neck, her hand on the back of my neck, kind of humming along with the music. She slipped one of her legs in between mine and moved her crotch, provocatively, over my thigh.

She was definitely quite high, slightly slurring, her breath overpowering with tequila. She whispered it felt so nice being in my arms and so close to me. I was so strong, she felt so secure. She asked if I liked holding her, did I like having her in my arms. I, of course, was polite and said she was quite a package to hold.

She was holding my left hand as we danced, then gently moved it over her right breast, rotating it around and around, then squeezing my hand, cupping her breast. She took my fingers and rolled them around her erect nipple, now sticking straight out under her blouse. She asked if I liked touching her breast and I said it was wonderful, but we should stop before we got into trouble.

She persisted, paused, then took the same hand and placed it between her spread legs, moving it up and down her crotch. The thin cotton of her summer ankle pants allowed me to feel the outline of her pussy with my fingertips on her opening. She kissed me lightly on the neck, then my cheek, finally my lips, as she whispered how wonderful my hand felt. She asked me to move it around. She was very aroused.

I gently removed my hand and slightly separated from her. She suddenly put her arms around me and started kissing me again on the lips, frenching me, sucking on my lower lip, telling me I was the most wonderful, handsome man she has ever known. She was very aroused and wanted me to continue touching her, to make her feel good all over.

Though I knew we should stop, my cock was about ready to burst out of my pants. She put her hand on my crotch and said she loved how it felt, and began moving her hand up and down my shaft. 

She moved a little to the right and spread her legs again asking me to touch her. She was more aroused and breathing hard.

My state of arousal crossed over my better judgment and I put my hand on her crotch, moving to the top of her opening. I rotated my palm, applying pressure, making sure I was covering her clit. Within minutes, she was gasping and quietly groaning in the nape of my neck, sucking on it, whispering she was cumming, it was so wonderful, for me not to stop! She quietly called to God, then to me mid-way through her orgasm, then several times toward the end.

All the while, she was stroking my dick through my trousers, her hand cupping my shaft. I blew the biggest wad into my shorts, contraction after contraction, at least ten, in all. Fortunately, my undershirts were long and went below the opening in my shorts allowing my load to be absorbed and not come through to my trousers.

I was shocked by what happened, but pleased with the outcome. Cindy kissed me all over my face and lips, saying she had fantasized being with me for years. She loved the way I touched her, it was a wonderful orgasm, long and sweet. I replied mine was wonderful, too, but we had to stop, we had to go inside before we were missed. She agreed, saying this was enough for now; we were not finished, there was so much more she wanted us to do.

That night and Sunday night as I lay next to Karen in bed I was somewhat ashamed of what I had done, so worried about it. I had never cheated on Karen and never wanted to; I loved her and our kids too much to betray them. I did not consider what I did with Cindy as a betrayal; we did not have intercourse, just a little touching encounter. It wouldn’t happen again, I thought, we just had a little too much to drink. I would never want to intentionally hurt Karen or place my marriage in jeopardy. I loved my family too much for that!

Monday afternoon, after being in a meeting, I returned to my office and checked my voice mail. There were three messages, the last one from Cindy, explaining she was in her office at school and wanted to talk with me, to please call her.

I decided it would be best not to call her; I did not want to encourage her. As hot as it was with her, I simply could not afford to get involved with her, it was too dangerous of a situation! And, besides, I loved my wife and family too much!I went to the men’s room to take a leak. As I was holding my pecker and peeing, I re-lived Cindy stroking me and that wonderful orgasm she gave me. Walking back to my office, I recalled the many stories Larry shared with me when we were in college about how much Cindy loved to blow him. She was addicted to it! Larry said she really knew how to use her tongue, even saying she was a “swallower”. He said she gave him the best blow jobs he ever had. Once they were engaged, I never heard another word about their sex life, and that was probably best.

I busied myself with paperwork and emails, resisting the urge to return Cindy’s call. Visions of her blowing me and me eating her and fucking her kept flashing through the window screen of my mind. She was so gorgeous, the most delectable ass and tits, even nicer than Karen’s, and that was saying something. The visions would not go away!  With little resistance left, I succumbed and dialed her number.

Cindy was so happy I called back, saying she thought about me all weekend and today. She said she had a lot to drink Saturday night, but was not so high that she didn’t know what she was doing. She said she loved being with me and enjoyed it very much, it was a wonderful, exciting experience. She asked if I liked being with her.

I was speechless, not knowing what to say. I swallowed hard and said she was a very lovely, desirable woman and it was a memorable experience. She said since we had broken the ice, she would love to improve on it! Would I like to be with her for an afternoon where we could express ourselves more in private, not be rushed, nice and slow?

I was shocked, but should have known this was coming. I was not able to respond! I didn’t know what to say to the point of her asking if I was still on the line. I said we should let things cool off a little. Yes, it was wonderful on the deck, and it would be even more wonderful and memorable to be with her for an afternoon, but we were both married with children, we had all been friends for most of our lives, we should not betray our families! It wasn’t right, we would regret it!

She replied there was more to it than that! She asked if I would be willing to meet with her for a glass of wine tonight after work? There was a nice wine bar she liked on the other side of town that had private booths; we could talk for a while. I figured if I met with her in person, I would be able to better make my point, so I agreed to meet her.

We met at 5:30 pm. When we sat down, she took my hand and said she was so happy I agreed to meet her! She so wanted to see me, she loved being with me! She moved closer and put her hand on my leg, saying she had been attracted to me for years, but it was not until Saturday night that she realized how much.

She said she wanted to be alone with me; she had so many feelings to express. She moved her hand up my thigh, my pecker getting longer and thicker. She said she wanted to be with me that night, then, as soon as we could leave. I was shocked and in complete amazement. I asked where she thought we could go? We both were expected home by our families, to have dinner with them.

She said we could call and say we had to work late; it would not be a problem. She had to be with me! We could leave in my truck and go down to the ravine below State’s athletic field where we all used to go when we were in college. There was no one there on weeknights. She said she and Larry still went there once in a while to rekindle their passion.

I told her I could not get up! I had a boner! I would have to wait a few minutes, for her to move her hand. She smiled and said she understood. She said she would get it back up in no time once we got to the ravine.

I have never experienced sex like I had that night with Cindy. She was extraordinarily responsive, passionate, and multi-orgasmic, the fuck of my life! She had four orgasms and I had three. She said she loved me and wanted me for years, but didn’t know what to do about it. She said she had masturbated many times, fantasizing about us being together! She said she sometimes substituted me for Larry in her mind when she climaxed with him.

I no sooner turned off the ignition and Cindy was unzipping my fly and stroking my semi-firm cock. In less than a minute it was sticking straight up, bursting with excitement.

Larry was right about her talent. She gave me the absolute finest blow job I have ever had. I thought Karen was good, but she should have taken lessons from Cindy. 

She first licked and sucked my balls while stroking me for at least fifteen minutes. She then sucked me and massaged my balls for another ten minutes, all the while alternating the licking and sucking. Her tongue was her most prominent asset.

When I told her I was going to cum, she began sucking me faster, keeping her mouth tightly wrapped around my dick. She swallowed every drop of cum, moaning and moaning her pleasure. She then licked me clean, whispering how much she loved my cock and loved sucking me. She said she would do me whenever I wanted.

I then ate her, her open, drenched pussy, covering my entire mouth and part of my nose and chin. It was the sweetest, hottest, wettest, most wonderful pussy I have ever had! I loved every second of it! I nourished on her pussy for over forty minutes! I swallowed all of her sweet honey as she came twice! 

Her moans and groans were louder than on the deck, breaking the stillness of the ravine. Once she calmed, she began kissing and hugging me, saying it seemed like she had waited a hundred years for me to do that.

After a passionate necking and fondling session, I was as good as new, and she climbed on top of me. She said she was so excited, her fantasies now all coming true, she wanted to ride me, for me to fill her pussy with my wonderful dick! She whispered she wanted me to cum inside her. She had fantasized for years about how lovely that would be.

I did not want to disappoint her! I wanted her to ride me to her heart’s content! I did not want to cum until I had completely satisfied her, though I knew that would be difficult. I forced my mind to think about everything except sex, my job, my woodworking projects, golf, football, restoring my antique car, all, as she pumped herself up and down and around and around! Her clit was buried in my hairs, panting and moaning, telling me how much she loved me, how perfect we were together, how God had intended for us to be like this.

She whispered my cock was completely filling her, it was so long and thick, the most wonderful feeling she has ever had! She said she loved it all so much; she was going to cum soon, for me to be patient. Suddenly, she gasped and gasped, calling to God, over and over, grinding herself into me. She rotated around and around, then up and down, slowing, sucking my neck, biting my shoulder, her saliva rolling down my shoulder onto my bicep! Her moans turned to groans, then soft moans and sweet whisperings, her ecstasy closing as she slowly came to a stop.

She put both hands behind my neck, feverishly kissing me and sucking my tongue. as she began to slide up and down my still rock hard cock again. She whispered she needed more; she was going to cum again, for me to wait for her. She said she loved me and had dreamt of this moment many times.

After a few minutes of pumping, she abruptly sped up saying she was cumming, groaning and groaning, a warm gush spilling out of her, flooding our crotches. As she feverishly rotated on me, I could not hold off any longer and blew my nuts in her, cum-shot after cum-shot, at least ten times. My jism and her gush ran down my thighs and onto the leather seat. It was the hottest, most wonderful piece of ass I have ever had!

We held each other tightly, kissing and necking, exchanging sweet whispers for the next twenty minutes. I told her this was the most wonderful experience of my life! I was so happy she called! We were, indeed, perfect together! 

She said she loved my cock, it was the most wonderful thing she has ever had, it felt so exquisite! It filled every part of her; she had never had that before.

As we continued to kiss and neck, she put my hand on her pussy and it was sopping wet, open and wide. She said it was tingling again, she would love for me to touch her, and she would touch me, too!

Soon, we were in the midst of our finale, the wettest, most ravenous 69 I have ever been in, it must have lasted over forty minutes. I happily took all of her honey, both of us simultaneously exploding in monster orgasms. Cindy’s orgasm was so exquisite she shivered and cried in my arms afterward for over ten minutes. I knew for certain, then, that this would not be the last time we would be together! This was not going to be just a one-night stand!

My affair with Cindy was the most wonderful experience of my life. We got together after work, even sometimes leaving work early so we could be together longer. 

We would usually make love in my car or her car, or in a nice hotel room in the outskirts east of the city. Occasionally, we met in her office or mine, always making certain everyone else had left.

We definitely shared a love-lust relationship. Occasionally, we would fantasize about being together permanently, but were never able to figure out how it could occur. Neither of us wanted to divorce our spouses, telling each other we did not want to destroy our families, but had to have each other. We would, again, default, and tell each other we would just be lovers, then, for as long as we could.

And, that is exactly what Cindy and I did for nearly two years. In addition to our routine trysts, several times we got real lucky! This occurred when Karen visited her parents with the kids and Larry was out of town on business or fishing with his cousins, both at the same time and over a weekend when Cindy’s kids were staying with her parents. 

This gave Cindy and I the opportunity to be together longer so we would get that nice hotel room east of the city and spend the entire weekend making love and expressing ourselves. I would, especially, remember those trysts forever!

I was in the most blissful state of my life! Then, one summer afternoon, Cindy called me at my office, crying. She said she just heard from Larry that his management had offered him a significant promotion out-of-state as senior vice president of mid-west operations, and he’s going to accept it!

OMG! I was going to lose her, I said to myself. I was shocked, a lump slowly developed in my chest. Swallowing hard and tearing, I asked her if she knew this was coming and she said it came as a complete surprise to Larry. The guy who then had the job had abruptly put in for early retirement.

Through her sobs, Cindy said Larry would be leaving at the end of that month and she would follow once they had located a new home and arranged for moving. She said they were putting their home up for sale. The bank gave Larry a generous relocation package which included reimbursement for all closing costs on both homes. She said she was broken-hearted, she had dreamed about us being together for so long, and now we would be separated.

Still crying slightly, she said there was one consolation; she would not be joining Larry for at least two months, though she would fly back several times to help pick out a house. This would give us lots of goodbye time together and she looked forward to that. She said she would be coming back occasionally to visit her parents, so we could be together then. She added that perhaps in my business travels, I could arrange to be with her. I told her I was so sorry to hear this, I didn’t know what I would do without her; she meant so much to me.

The following afternoon, we were together in the back seat of my car in the woods near the lake. I had not previously told her, but that day I told her I did truly love her and she meant the world to me. She said she loved me with all her heart and we should make the most of the next two months. I promised we would. That afternoon we made love for three hours, it was so beautiful, so ecstatic, and so perfect.

Cindy was so aroused, so responsive and orgasmic, filled with love for me. After her last orgasm, she cried her happiness in my arms as I kissed away her tears, telling her things would be o.k.; God had not taken us this far to permanently separate us! We would find ways to be together! I added perhaps God was testing us, wanting us to be sure of our love. She said our time together was precious; she wanted to give me one final, big kiss. She put her head between my legs, moaning her love as she made me hers again, swallowing all the warm love I had for her.

The next two months were absolutely wonderful! Cindy and I were near-inseparable! She would come to my office after hours. I would go to her house, sometimes staying overnight when Karen was at her parent’s home with the kids and Cindy’s kids were staying with her parents.  

One night, after a long and gratifying session, Cindy and I decided to pray, asking God to guide us, to keep us safe, to allow our love to grow with this experience, and to help us find ways to be together once she moved. 

As we knew it would, the time came for Cindy to leave. It was a real heart-breaker. We were together the weekend before she left. I wanted our last time together to be more than memorable, one that we would reminisce over and over once she was gone. Rather than a standard room as in the past, I reserved a suite with a parlor and Jacuzzi bath at the nice hotel east of the city. I arranged for a dozen red roses to be placed on the dresser and the refer stocked with snacks and champagne.

I have not ever loved a woman so slowly, so sweetly, so tenderly, so deliberately, so many times in two days and two nights as I did Cindy that weekend. It was the most erotic, gratifying and happiest event of my life. Cindy was in her ovulation cycle, making her extraordinarily aroused and responsive, enhancing everything we did. Our passion and ecstasies were unprecedented. That tryst would remain embedded in my mind forever!

We first enjoyed a bottle of champagne and snacks in the parlor while we watched a XXX video featuring a gorgeous, voluptuous, blue-eyed blond with her well-endowed BBC lover. His cock hung down his leg at least nine inches flaccid and must have been at least eleven or twelve inches when erect with a slightly mushroom head. Cindy was mesmerized and could not keep her eyes off the screen, commenting on how wonderful and beautiful the BBC’s cock was and how much the blond was enjoying it.

Midway through the video it was apparent Cindy was exceedingly aroused. The combination of her ovulation and the BBC’s cock took her cravings to a new level! My cock was bigger and harder than it had ever been. I joined Cindy on the couch. We began kissing and necking, she was so hot, her panties all wet.

I pulled down her panties and lifted her dress over her head. She unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. She laid there naked, her left leg up over the backrest of the couch and her right leg stretched out onto the carpet. Her love lips were drenched and glistening, so delectable, surrounded by her curly, neatly-trimmed, blond bush.

I placed a pillow under her buns, raising her pussy up higher so I would have full access. I licked and sucked on each lip, first one, then the other, gliding my lips up and down, teasing her opening. I took her ever so swollen clitty in between my lips, swirling my tongue around and around. She loved it all so much, panting and panting, asking me not to stop, she was going to cum soon!

Cindy was breathing so hard, I thought she was going to lose her breath! Then, she gasped and gasped, calling to God and me over and over as she twisted and jerked under my mouth. Her buns were off the pillow, pushing into me, making certain I had all of her in my mouth, her gush filling my mouth. As she relaxed her loins, I pulled away and got in between her legs. She was so open, soaked and gaping that my enormous boner slid in with a single stroke, almost seeming lost, she was so open and aroused.

We fucked and fucked, her legs wrapped tightly around me, not wanting to ease in the slightest as we kissed, frenched and lip-sucked. Her titties were swollen and her nipples firm and erect as I licked, sucked and teethed on them. Again, she lifted her buns off the pillow and pushed into me, wanting to make sure she had all of me, rotating in the air around and around.

Cindy whispered she was going to cum soon and wanted to be on top. We rolled over and she was sitting on top of me, my cock completely in her up to the hilt. As we held hands, she moved around and around, her swollen clitty buried in my hairs, telling me how much she loved me and never wanted us to be apart! Soon, she was gasping and gasping, groaning louder than before, at least a dozen times as she enjoyed another of God’s special gifts of pleasure.

Not being able to hold off any longer, and speeding up, I released myself to my own pleasure. My nuts burst into her, at least ten or eleven cumshots, filling her with the warm love she wanted and so desperately needed. For the next fifteen minutes, or so, we held each other, whispering sweetly of love and devotion as the afterglow took us into our calm.

During that goodbye weekend, Cindy orgasmed twelve times and I orgasmed ten times. We promised each other we would never let our love and devotion wither, we would find ways to be together, regardless of the circumstances. Before departing, we prayed together, asking God to favor us, to show us the way. He had brought us together and we wanted Him to be our Guide.

Over the months that followed, Cindy visited her parents less and less, and there were only a couple of times I was able to go on business trips to the Midwest. On my last trip, Cindy stayed with me in my hotel room for the entire day. She was ovulating and highly aroused. 

That day she had six orgasms, the first two of which were in the Jacuzzi. With her legs over the edge of the tub and spread wide, she rotated around and around and back and forth into the jet stream as I held her from the back, sucking, kissing and biting her neck and shoulders, fondling her titties as she orgasmed. 

After her second orgasm, she climbed on top of me and easily slid my fully-engorged cock into her in one stroke. She rode me like a cowgirl for about twenty minutes as the waters swirled around us and we simultaneously climaxed in a thunderous, mutual ecstasy, unlike anything before. She said she loved me with all her heart and never wanted us to separate. 

I will never forget our final act of love that day when Cindy rode me like the wild, crazed cowgirl that she was!

She sat on me, my cock in her up to the hilt, facing each other, holding hands as she rocked and rolled on me. Her clitty was completely visible to me, all swollen, wet and glistening, pushing into my hairs and stomach. We fucked this way for over an hour. As she orgasmed the first time, her face first showed pain, then an expression of complete ecstasy as she groaned and groaned, her mouth open, saliva dripping on my chest. 

She said that was not enough and continued to ride me for the longest time. Then, suddenly, she closed her eyes and orgasmed again, groaning more loudly this time, her expression, again, moving from pain to ecstasy. Catching her breath, she dropped down on me. 

With one hand under my back and the other under my neck she continued to ride me, kissing me, sucking on my lips, neck and shoulders. She brought me to the most wonderful orgasm of my life, at least a dozen cumshots, saying she would never let me go and that I would always be her’s.

While we took full advantage of these opportunities to meet, it was apparent we were drifting apart. Cindy was so involved in her new teaching position, ladies groups, charitable foundations, and hosting cocktail parties and dinners for Larry’s staff and their church friends.

The intimate phone calls, emails and romantic note cards also slowed down. My emails and phone calls would go unanswered for days, sometimes never returned. Eventually, they stopped altogether. I was so forlorn, so disappointed in Cindy! How could we have been so close, so intimate for so long, and not have it mean more to her?

I guess the answer to that question is simple! She was married to Larry for over twenty years and she has been fucking me for only two years! How little did she think of Larry? Did she think of Larry and how she was betraying him every time she popped her cunny nutties with me? Wasn’t he her rock, her loyal husband, and the father of their children, the man to whom she had made a lifetime commitment to love, honor and obey? Had she finally come to her senses?

WTF! What was wrong with me? Was I so enthralled with her pussy, so pussy-whipped by her, did she own so much of my mind and soul that I couldn’t see her for what she was? And, I was no better! Cindy and I were both seriously flawed! I was guilty of doing the same thing to Karen!

Poor Karen, she worked so hard, not only in her job, but as a wife and mother for so many years. She was the backbone of our family, raising the kids the way she did, building their character, taking them to bible study, their scout meetings and athletic events, getting her master’s degree part time, all while becoming the most respected and accomplished intensive care nurse in her hospital.

I got up from my chair and closed the door to my office. I grabbed a bottle of water and sat down on my sofa and reflected on what I had done. I was not proud of myself. Yes, it was wonderful and exciting, and I enjoyed it immensely, but can I look myself in the mirror? I had betrayed the most wonderful woman I know, my wife, the mother of our children, the woman to whom I promised at the altar I would be faithful! What a rotten bastard I had been! How could I ever make it up to her?

I got Karen’s picture off my desk and stared at it for the longest time, so sweet and lovely, so honorable and faithful, my heart was breaking. I began to cry, kissing her picture, asking God to forgive me, I was truly sorry for betraying Karen, and I loved her very much and did not want to hurt her or destroy our marriage.

When I got home, Karen had just showered and walked into the kitchen to start dinner.. I greeted her, then took her into my arms and kissed her and kissed her, telling her how much I loved her and was so happy she was my wife. I said I was going to freshen up because I was taking her to dinner and then we were coming home to spend the evening together doing whatever she wanted.

After a romantic dinner at our favorite restaurant, we came home and went to bed early, making love for more than two hours. That night I told Karen I loved her more now than ever before, and she said she felt the same about me. We prayed silently together.

I asked God, again, to forgive me and to bless our marriage! I was so sorry for what I had done! I would do my best to make it up to Karen and to Him. I rolled over, took Karen in my arms and kissed her, telling her again I loved her with all my heart. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

In the weeks that followed, I became increasingly happy I had emotionally returned to my marriage! Though visions of Cindy and I together occasionally appeared in my window screen, I was mostly over her. I was now more in love with Karen than ever before. I had forgiven myself and was feeling better about my betrayal, promising myself I would never again betray my wonderful Karen again!

One afternoon, after returning to my office from a meeting, I checked my voicemail. Surprisingly, there was a call from Cindy:

“Hello! Mark! This is Cindy! I am so sorry for not having stayed in touch more recently! Life has been so hectic here, my new job, our new house, getting the kids settled in school and sports, entertaining Larry’s new staff and church friends…but all that is slowing down now, and, happily, I have more time to myself. I will be visiting my parents for a week beginning next Friday and I would love for us to reunite at our favorite place east of the city! Please call me back on my cell..!! Love you….byeeee..!!”

Copyright © 2018 Andrea M Love. All rights reserved. This story is the property of the author and may not be copied, reproduced, duplicated or circulated in any manner or form without the prior, express, written consent of the author. Any violation of this copyright will be adjudicated to the fullest extent of the copyright laws of the United States of America.

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